Dick-ette (as in a little something from Dick) September 6, 2008

Waiting for Harlot Hurricane Hanna to Hurry through, and I realized that according to the Weather Channel I was in the “Watch out, the supermarket may close and you haven’t had your lunch yet” zone. So I evacuated to a nearby shopping center, and a question arose the definitive answer to which has eluded me. To whit: If you’re in the express lane with 2 grapefruit can you count them as one item to stay under the 10 item limit ? Here’s what I mean: If I have 6 apples in a bag, that’s one item. 6 Bananas without a bag, that’s one item. A thousand grapes all on one stem…one item. Suppose there’s no bag big enough for 2 grapefruit ? Please let me have your thoughts to show to that narrow minded manager.

I hope to post a new Blog/podcast in the next few days. Meanwhile, please check out www.dicksummer.com/podcast/latest

4 Responses to “”

  1. Mike Walsh says:

    Dick… the deciding factor (IMHO) is how they are sold i.e. 2fer 0.xx means that it’s one price, 1 item,
    like the apples in a bag, you aren’t buying 6 apples, you’re buying 1 bag. However if they are 0.xx each,
    then… well it’s two items. Of course that only applies when the store is busy or there is a r in the day
    of the week or some other arcane bit if tomfoolery which is a closely held secret. In which case you are at the
    mercy of the Greater Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company or some other.


  2. aliasJean Fox says:

    OK – I agree with Mike. Right on! But I was a cashier in the express lane of the FINAST warehouse grocery store for more than a year, because I was fast and accurate. If someone came through with 5 grapefruit, 2 bunches of broccoli, a gallon of milk, and 10 cans of soda I could ring them through just as fast as I could if they just had 1 of each item. If the cashier at the store complains, it’s because (s)he’s not fast enough or is pushing for a promotion. Cart boy would do fine —–

    Thanks for the nostalgia or neuralgia or any other kind of ‘algia.

  3. lisa says:

    Well, a grapefruit is a grapefruit, 2 or 100 right? It is funny you mentioned this, because a few weeks ago this event actually occurred with a woman in front of me at Wally World. She was angry that the 10 Items Or Less checker had let a man through with an entire cart filled, and the Manager told her they are not allowed to refuse anyone in any check stand no matter how much they have. So at least Wally World gets it 🙂
    Please Give LWW a hug from Kentucky!!!

  4. Mike Walsh says:

    Wow! Now that;s a name I haven’t heard in a long time FINAST
    First National Stores — I had an uncle that worked in a warehouse
    in Sommerville back in the 50’s and shopped in a FINAST store
    in Jamaica Plain, corner of Glen Road and Washington Street!
    Just a touch of nostalgia there!