
Some great stuff coming in about this week’s blog and podcast at www.dicksummer.com/podcast  Here’s one from Proud Podcast Participant Carole:

Beans, beans, the musical fruit-

The more you eat, the more you toot.

A burp is just a gust of wind, coming from the heart.

But when it takes a southern trend, it then becomes a…..

Southern burp!!!!

Two little poems taught to me by my mother lo these many years ago!!! (She had a great sense of humor.)

I have discovered that as I age, I am becoming a bit of a “flatulence farmer” myself.

My husband and I joke when we have something like franks and beans for dinner. I’ll say something like “Well, I’m taking my life in my hands tonight..!!!!” He has remarked that I am “giving him some competition” of late in the off-gassing department.

The master bedroom in our home in was rather tight for space. Every now and then, he’d have a gaseous episode while asleep that would literally awaken me and make my eyes tear. (Once I had to leave the room and turn on the ceiling fan!)

If we’d had an interesting meal (like Mexican food, for example), I’d caution him: “Do me a favor – turn your butt towards the wall and away from me. That way, if you let one rip, it’ll have to ricochet off of the wall and hopefully will lose some of its’ energy (and stink) before it reaches me!!!!”

Another time, we were lounging in bed watching tv, and our Abyssinian cat, Sami, was stretched out at the foot of the bed. When hubby flatulated, it was so loud and forceful that it scared the cat who leapt up with the fur on his back at attention (and his tail puffed out as they do when frightened) – he whipped his head around in the direction of the noise – and tore out of the room like his butt was on fire. We laughed till we cried.


I guess I must be plenty immature – because we find flatulence funny (not to mention a necessary part of existence). We find lots of ways to laugh about it.


Thanks for making me smile.

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