Dick-ette (as in something small from Dick) September 23

My Lady Wonder Wench had her cat scan yesterday. I took a look at the pictures, and they look ok to me. Problem is I don’t know what I’m looking at…which is the reason I’m not the guy who gets to decide on taking the halo off…or not. That happens tomorrow. Will keep you posted. In case you don’t know what a halo is…it’s a ten pound metal device that’s screwed into your forehead in hopes that broken bones in your neck might have a chance to heal. She’s had it on 24/7 for more than 80 days. Somehow…she has become even more beautiful since she’s wearing it. When this thing does come off, we may both need some re-hab at the Intensive Hickey Unit.

I finally got around to updating the podcasts a little…actually just giving the folks who listen (  www.dicksummer.com/podcast/latest  ) a quickie progress report. I’m so busy I’m wearing out my Right Guard.

3 Responses to “”

  1. All of your listeners whish you the best of luck today with wonder wench’s doctor visit.

    Your love will see you through

  2. Bob says:

    Hi Dick and LWW
    Constant thoughts and prayers are what I have been sending your way for that last 80 days and nights. As you have told me it is most important to maintain a sense of humor no matter what. I can not even try to imagine what it must be like to witness this, save to say that having been on the end of asking that question you have uttered in the past I know the deep feelings that are running just under the surface. Keep the faith what ever you conceive that to be Dick. I believe there is a plan in there some where. A good plan!

  3. Roger B says:

    Hello again Dick,

    I can’t even imagine what your wife has experienced. You’re both strong people to have endured, survived, and hopefully thrived throughout this period. Here’s wishing that you both come out of this with health, good humor, and normalcy!

    I had spine surgery three years ago…and I thought I had it bad. I am often reminded that there are people who are dealing with much worse things than what I’ve gone through, and it makes my problems seem small in comparison. This is one of those times. I applaud you and your wife for hanging in there when times are their worst, when the days seem their darkest, and when we raise the question of “why me” or “why to my wife”?

    You’re lucky to have each other,

    Please keep us updated.
