Wonder Wench Writes

Wanna know what a “low blow” is to a Louie-Louie Lad with a pilot’s license?

“You could practice your landings … ”

Now when I said that, the wind had kicked up and our landing at a nearby airport (for lunch – the main reason Louie-Louie Lads fly) … anyway, that landing got a little exciting.  For me.  I DO NOT LIKE BUMPS WHEN I FLY.  Oh, it wasn’t bad – just a tad more exciting then I like.  So I made the aforesaid low blow statement. And ever since then, every time anything awkward happens, I get a look. That look is nearly as bad as a low blow.

But it’s not my fault Miss T (the plane’s serial number ends in a T) found it necessary to flounce down the runway a bit more exuberantly than normal.  After all, if that nice Louie-Louie Lad HAD practiced more, maybe we wouldn’t … well, never mind. 

Low blows tend to make Louie-Louie Lads rather ratchetty.  They do not like being reminded that they really should practice some stuff more than others.  Like:  I know he knows how to run the lawnmower – but why would he want to mow across the electric cord?  And:  if you run that lawnmower at an angle across our back yard, you really better hold on ‘cause the slope is really steep and of you’re not careful …  oh, you tipped over? 

See?  It gets better as time goes on.  Louie-Louie Lads have a creed which says:  “Do not learn from experience.”  I guess it’s because that would take all the fun out of life.  Right?

Hence the low blows …

2 Responses to “Wonder Wench Writes”

  1. Carole says:

    When it comes to “low blows” — sometimes, discretion is the better part of valor. Many the time I have counted to ten (well, truth be told, at least five!) and then breathed out slowly to avoid making a snarky comment.

  2. Betsy says:

    WW, you’re a terrific writer.