Would you all believe that the mighty Louie-Louie Lad … son (or grandson) of Big Louie His Own Bad Self … actually got s-i-c-k on returning from his great but all too brief vacation? Yeah, well he sure did. And do not ever let anyone tell you that men are big strong capable types.
Well, they may be all those things, but when they get sick they become just like little boys. Take medication? You have to be kidding. Stay in bed? Not in this lifetime. See a dozen doctors of various types to find out just what the blazes is wrong? Sure.
Do what they ALL said to do?
But this Louie Louie Lass knows just the right formula for at least a modicum (thank you, Vickie) of success. Stick out your lower lip and cry. Works every time. Not wanting to make ME sick as well as himself, he agreed to at least take some of what the learned folks said would help him get better.
And lo and behold, it worked. He actually got better!
No wonder strange people look back at him from that mirror. Just as long as it isn’t Dorian Gray …