Wonder Wench Writes

Let’s keep one thing straight, here … if my Louie-Louie Lad really wants to sit in that big black papa chair and scrunch himself up and try to bounce that thing along on our rug … well, all I can say is, go to it.  Won’t work, but hey, it’ll give him lots of exercise and maybe even clean up some of the mess left by our great granddaughter.  Sounds like a plan to me.

 Otherwise, get a grip, Big Louie … I love Christmas but I do not want to hear Jingle Bells in October.  Nor do I want all the stores lit up like fire flies so much before Thanksgiving that Christmas presents are more like July presents.  I don’t mind a little early … I start thinking about what to get for my Lad sometime around the day after Christmas.  But I don’t want anyone to tell me what I should be looking for long before it’s time for me to look.

 It’s supposed to be a birthday, for goodness’ sake.  Can’t we at least try to make it a little less hip and a lot more happy?

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