Who says Catherine Zeta Jones is a 9? Not me. And not Bernadette, my friend next door. We both know that while our guys leer and lust, they still come in OUR front doors … not hers. And that is what makes our Thanksgiving so much better than anyone else’s.
Bernadette doesn’t mind Randy’s fishing, as long as he cleans the darned things. And even Big Louie cannot take away the huge smiles she and I have when our guys eat whatever we have created as a feast … although in my case I have some help from a very nice gentleman named Alex. So (in spite of that wretched M.A.S. appeal) our daughter, daughter-in-law, sister in law, son and … wait for it … great grand-daughter will have all kinds of good things to share on that day.
Oh yes, Thanksgiving is just that … a day to say thank you to the powers that be, whoever or whatever He, She or It is. A day to hold up our heads and smile because we CAN hold up our heads … a day to see or feel that it is a day and you and I are in it at least one more time …
Isn’t that what thanks are all about?