Wonder Wench Writes

Dick just doesn’t know where to look.  There are mailboxes; you just have to go to the old malls, the ones with all those marvelous small stores that sell stuff like “records” and “books” and “handkerchiefs” and simple “ice cream cones” …

 I know, that dates me, but I like those things and we have one of those malls not far from here.  ‘Course, the big problem is, how do you play a record?  But I can read real books and drip real ice cream onto my shirt.  And the people actually smile at you and no one is rushing around looking fevered.

 I don’t suppose that mall will be there for too long, but while it is, I enjoy it.  I am, after all, a true Louie-Louie Generation Lass and I remember the good things.

 Although I must admit that Superman would find it really difficult to look for a phone booth … but hey, he can still change in a revolving door …

3 Responses to “Wonder Wench Writes”

  1. Mike W says:

    And I’ll bet you are like me, in that when I buy a book I like to have it in my hand. Those new Ebook things are supposed to be so 21st century but a well thumbed book that I can put down and pick up without worrying about internet access is what I like.

    I live in a small town and the only place that has mailboxes is in front of the post office which, by the way, is in the only mall we have. And it’s not much of a mall either but they do have a book store and a neat little gift shop. The kind of place where you can buy those neat little dust collectors that you can litter the house with!

  2. jeff says:

    One block from Penn Station. 34th and 8th is one of the largest post offices in the country. Yes, they do have mail boxes

  3. Carole says:

    Jeff, I’m sure Dick is well aware of the Main PO – no one can be a New Yorker without knowing about it! However, having grown up in NYC (well, the Bronx, but that’s part of NYC’s 5 boros!) – I, like Dick, got used to finding mailboxes on just about every corner. I was really shocked to learn that most of them have been removed.

    Like Wonder Wench, I love malls. Like Mike, I prefer a book in print to an “e book”, although I admit I have tried them. The advantage to an ebook is that it’s slim and fits in a purse without being bulky. That’s handy when traveling, or even heading to a doctor’s appointment and the mandatory wait to see him.

    I never thought of myself as old-fashioned, but I must admit, I don’t like a lot of the changes that are taking place in our world.