Wonder Wench Writes

His name was Yoder, because he was mostly green … and a little blue … and he was about 10 inches of … well, I suppose you could call him nasty.  But he would sit on my shoulder and whisper incomprehensible secrets in my ear and call me “You” because he loved me.  And hated my Louie-Louie Lad out of jealousy.  He was awfully good for my ego … never got the hang of calling my Lad Dickie, which was what he was known as in Brooklyn, to differentiate him from his dad, Dick Senior.

 Now I never had a Sister Mary Knucklebuster… I went to public schools … but one year Dickie  and I went to a reunion of St. Gregory’s school and it was wonderful.  Every nun there, no matter how old … and some of them were ancient … REMEMBERED every single kid who was ever in their class, either by the way they walked (Joey Toto) or the way they smiled (mine) or the way their face hadn’t changed except to get older.  And believe me, some of them really looked old … the kids, I mean.

 Those ladies in black were so much fun that day that I will always remember them.  Several delighted in taking me aside to tell tales on “Richard” … now if they had known how much Big Louie took him over, they just might have shortened his life span a lot of years earlier.  But the amazing thing was … they knew every kid … knew all about them … and were about as proud of them all as any parent could be.

 I wish I had had some of those ladies in black in my life.  They were ladies indeed.

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