Lady Wonder Wench just got back from driving to the supermarket. She tends to be outspoken about many of her driving experiences…and her driving ambitions. Here’s what she says:
All right, people, let’s get two things straight, shall we? 1- As far as I know, EVERY SINGLE CAR ON THE ROAD TODAY has what is called a headlight dimmer. That means, when you approach another vehicle on the road (ANY road) after dark, d-i-m your @#%% lights. Trust me, it is a whole lot safer when you do. 2- If you have a dream, a real to-die-for dream, then do something about it. Really, truly. When I was in high school (besides wanting to date the handsomest boy in the class) I wanted to write and to own a horse. And I have gotten both: the horse 12 different times and published twice. So far. I won $10 from a university magazine (no, I don’t remember what I spent it on) and got to see my book, with MY NAME on the spine, in book-stores. Talk about walking with your chest puffed out. So don’t go around bemoaning the fact that you “never got to . . . ”. Instead, put the I-phone down and get cracking on those dreams. It is not too late; it is never too late. I know the smart lady who said those words. Keep them in your heart.
You can see Lady Wonder Wench’s book at
“Put the iPhone down……..” – LOL, good one LWW.