Lots of emails about last week’s Questions podcast and blog to tell you about. Proud Podcast Participant Dick Butler says, “you board a plane or boat, but you only de-plane.You dis- embark from a boat…but when you disembark a tree it’s called stripping.” I love it when Dick talks dirty like that. Here are some more great questions…I think these are from proud podcast participant Jim King… he says,” Why do we press harder on the remote control when we know the batteries are going dead. And who’s idea was it to put an s in the word lisp ?” Proud Podcast participant Jim Doran adds some beauties: “If nobody buys a ticket to the movie, do they still show the movie ?” All good questions, for which I have absolutely no answers.
P. P. Participant John from Massachusetts listens to the “Good Night” podcast on WCAP radio in Lowell…and he’s talking about the time I told you about wanting to be a voice in the middle of the night when I was on the air. John says a big thing in a short sentence: “I listened to you on the radio. Thanks for all the memories of radio when it was our friend.” And thank YOU John.
But here’s my favorite…it comes from “KrissyGirl.” She says, “I’m a college student, and I want to tell you that your podcast voice in the middle of the night has made me feel safe, and relaxed and beautiful…no matter how stressed out and horrible I was feeling before I listened. PS…I really wish I could meet a Louie Louie Generation guy in my own generation. I think that would be wonderful.”
Kris, Big Louie, his own bad self has always said that membership in the Louie Louie Generation isn’t only based on age. It’s also a matter of putting some sweat and spark and smile in your life. So on that basis, I hereby proclaim to all and sundry that KrissyGirl is now an honorary member of the Louie Louie Generation.
That got me thinking about what makes a Louie-Louie generation guy the bedmate of choice for so many supermodels, and other beautiful and successful women. I’ve told you that it’s our gentlemanly charm, our poise and grace, and the fact that some of us have a little money. But let me give some of you young guys the top 20 list of specific things you can do to help you in your struggle to achieve full fledged Louie-Louie Guy hood.
#20- If you’re going to wear a baseball cap, unless you are an actual catcher in full uniform and the game is still going on, wear your cap peak front like a human. #19 – Unless you have religious reasons for wearing your cap indoors, take it off when you walk into a restaurant with a lady. #18- You don’t necessarily have to wear a jacket and tie, but don’t show up looking like either Barney Rubble or an Elton John impersonator who was left out in the rain overnight. #17 And speaking of adornment, earrings look lovely on the ladies. Especially the dangle ones. But earrings just make you look like the Pirates of the Carribean just voted you off the island. #16- When a lady trusts you enough to grace your presence in a car, open the door for her and help her in. #15 – Then when you get where you’re going, reverse the process. Jump out of the driver’s seat, open the door and help her out. Be ready to catch her if she faints with the shock. #14- When you’re on a date, do not take cell phone calls. And do not make outgoing cell phone calls either. Some guys think that makes them look important. It doesn’t. It makes them look like an idiot. #13- Ditch your favorite lines, lies and general B.S. Ladies are smart, and honesty is a lady turn on. #12 Read a paper or magazine that has nothing to do with your favorite sports team so you have something that has nothing to do with spikes, sneakers or cleats to talk about with her. #11 – Brush your teeth. Or if you are a hockey goalie…be sure your teeth are properly installed and turned in the right direction. #10- Take a shower and change your socks and underwear. Contrary to what your buddies may tell you, sweat is not a turn on to most ladies. #9- One or two beers is probably ok. More than that and you are over the lady limit. # 8 Show up for the date on time according to whatever actual time zone you were in when you made the date. #7- Shut up and listen to what the lady is saying. Try to understand not only the words but how she feels about what she’s telling you. If she’s upset because her cat died, even if you’re kinda glad because the damn cat was a drag…she’s not glad. So be genuinely not glad with her. #6- You won’t understand everything she says, but the key words here are listen, feel and genuine. #5- When out with a lady, keep your fingers and your eyes off other hotties. #4 – Do not sit in your car and blow your horn for her. Ring the bell, smile, and escort her to the car. #3- Bring her some small surprise. Doesn’t have to be a dozen roses…a dandelion you picked from the lawn is fine. #2 – She has done something to make herself look especially pretty for you. Figure out what it is and compliment her on it. #1- Always protect her. Job number one. Make her feel safe, and relaxed, and beautiful.
Do these things. Make Big Louie proud.
Dick’s Details Quiz – All answers are available in the current podcast at www.dicksummer.com
1- What do you have to watch out for on your date’s personal person?
2- If more Americans went to a dentist, what would we call a tooth brush?
3- What parts of some folks might last for 50,000 years ?
3- right – A Louie-Louie Generation Charmer.
2- right – A rock star.
1- right – A movie star.
0- right – Mickey Mouse.
There’s a story in the Night Connections Personal Audio cd about a Louie-Louie generation guy who overcomes the natural shortcomings of his guy-hood to make his lady glad she picked him over some pretty stiff competition. It’s called a Disorganized Husband. If you like, you can just listen to it on the current podcast…or if you want a fresh copy, just go to dicksummer dot com, and download it from the cdbaby icon.
Here’s one more question that’s been bothering me. If you know the answer, please drop me an email at dick at dick summer dot com. Howcome…if there’s a receptionist…why isn’t there a rejectionist. Huh? Tell me. Send me an email at Dick@DickSummer.com . Would love to hear from you.