Had some website problems this week. If you tried to grab the PodCast and couldn’t…I’m sorry. We’re back up and running now.
A last minute Email came pouring in from Proud PodCast Participant and former radio colleague Jack Marshall. He says, “Here’s another how come…when people say yessiree bob…who is this guy Bob?” I don’t know for sure, Jack, but I think he’s one of those Palindrome brothers.
Happy Anniversary to us. This is the start of the third year for the “Connection” blog and the “Good Night” PodCast. So I’ve been trying to figure out what kind of anniversary present I can give you. How’s this: If you’ll send me your name and address- Dick@DickSummer.com I’ll send you the top five most downloaded “Good Night” PodCasts on a cd. No strings. No promotions. Not going to try to sell you anything. Would just like to say, “Thanks.”To jog your memory, here are the PodCasts you’ll be receiving:
#5 – “Pick Up Lines.” This is what happened when I started thinking about what I would do if my Lady Wonder Wench all of a sudden realized that no matter how nicely she kisses me, I’m not likely to turn into a prince. I’m a mature Louie-Louie Generation guy. I’ve lived. I’ve been to Applebee’s on a Friday evening. I’ve seen skungey looking guys at the bar surrounded by sometimes several lovely ladies. So I asked myself…”Self, how did this happen?” And my self answered, “It’s all in the pick up lines.” So I started trying out some pickup lines on my Lady Wonder Wench. It went down hill after “What’s your sign?” She giggled a little at first…then she started looking at me in that way that all married men recognize as…not good. BUT…I stumbled on one line that worked…even on W. Wench. It’s in this PodCast.
#4 – “The Fortune Cookie’s Revenge.” I will never ignore orders from a Higher Source that are smuggled to me in an innocent looking fortune cookie again. “Do not operate heavy machinery,” said the fortune cookie. “Ha !” I thought. “It’s just a dumb fortune cookie.” “Oh yeah?” said the fortune cookie…and took down both our cars and my lawn tractor…ON THE SAME DAY! A coincidence? I think not.
#3 – “Laughs, Tears and Years.” A tragedy has befallen this formerly hunky body. I was the Chief Lifeguard at Coney Island’s Section 6 just a few years ago…it seems. As with more than a few Louie-Louie Generation guys, I’ve been having some trouble with my legs. So I went to see a Pimple Person Doctor…who suggested I wear Support Socks. SUPPORT SOCKS! ME! That’s nuts. Does that guy from the Lord of the Rings… Viggo Morgenstern… wear support socks? Of course not. Does Brad Pitt, or George Clooney…or any of those guys who look like me wear support socks? You’ve gotta be kidding!
#2 – “A Single Rose for Peter, Paul and Mary.” This is my Lady Wonder Wench’s favorite. It’s about an evening with Peter Yarrow, Noel Paul Stookey and Mary Travers. A trip back with Puff The Magic Dragon to the land of Honallee…and back to a time when those of us in the Louie-Louie Generation were having visions of world peace, and flowers, and music. Of course, some L-L Generation folks were also seeing giant spiders from Mars…but not that night. The evening started like something out of a fairy tale, and it ended in a touch of genuine magic.
#1 – “The Master of the Moustache Disguise.” What a difference just a few straggly hairs under a nose can make. My Lady Wonder Wench went on a “Girls Only” vacation with our daughter Kris and a couple of lady friends. While they were away…I grew a moustache. When I came to meet her at the airport, I had a hat pulled down over my eyes, my pilot sunglasses in place, and I was wearing a plain shirt and slacks. SHE DIDN’T RECOGNIZE ME! Then I kissed her. And guess what happened.
So that’s it. My completely free anniversary present to you, for making it through two years together. As I said, no strings, no promotions, I’m even picking up the “postage and handling”. I just really want to say thanks. Just send your name and address to Dick@DickSummer.com
Dick’s Details Quiz – All answers are available in the current PodCast at www.dicksummer.com
1- Why does my buddy Daryl look like an enormous thumb?
2- Why did Albert Einstein’s hair look like he’d just stuck a wet toe in a hot socket?
3- Who talks 80% of the trash in this country?
3 right – Happy Anniversary.
2 right – Happy Arbor Day.
1 right – Happy Groundhog Day.
0 right – Happy Feast of the Frumious Fizzle.
Caught you! Scratching your head and saying, “What’s the catch?” Honest. There’s no catch. Just send your name and address to and I’ll send you the free cd. If you like it, please tell a couple of friends about the PodCast/blog. If you don’t like it…the price is still right.
Auld Lang Syne, Cheerio, and Auf Wiedersehn to the first two years ! Bring on whatever is to come. And, really…THANKS.
Dick Summer