My Lady Wonder Wench and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we hope you did too. Our daughter Kris brought the newest member of our family, Cecelia, down from their home in Massachusetts for a visit, and our son Eric drove up from Virginia to join us here in Pennsylvania for the turkey and trimmings. Here are a few minutes of the happy stuff. Cecelia is five, going on twenty five. Her newest favorite comment (about almost everything she sees) is, “Oh my GOD!” We took her to a helicopter museum at my airport, and she broke up everybody there as she was riding in one of their simulators. I’m going to include her comments about Santa in next week’s podcast. Our house is gradually settling back on its foundation after her visit.
In the current podcast, I’ve been asking you to “Pick A Person” for Christmas this year. It has nothing to do with money, and it has everything to do with how you can enjoy Christmas like maybe never before. Please give it a listen at There are also some of the Christmas stories you’ve been sending in there. One of the stories on the “Hark” podcast is so funny, I couldn’t finish telling it. It made me laugh so hard that I literally fell out of my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living room. But there’s enough of it on the podcast so you can understand the story, and I just left the laughs at the end in.
Your Christmas stories are very important to me personally. I save them every year in a very safe place…right next to the box in which I keep the home made star that has been looking down from the top of our Christmas trees since 1972. Here’s another very special note from Proud Podcast Person Betsy:.
“I wanted to tell you what’s going on 2 doors down – a nice young family lives there with 5 kids. The father grew up in Africa with monkeys for friends and very outdoorsy. He and his kids have built a huge double sledding hill in their yard. We haven’t had all that much snow so they’ve been gathering it from other people’s yards. Last night they had a bunch of people over and along with the kids sledding they were giving hayrides. He has Christmas lights projecting up into the air from the flatbed the truck was pulling and it was full of happy people singing carols as they rode down the street. Music was being piped from the house and it was so neat to hear and see all this activity. What Christmas memories those kids are going to have!”
The plan is to post one of your Christmas stories every day on the Dickie-Quickie blog, and tell you some of the others on the podcasts right up till Christmas. There’s a chapter of my own personal Christmas memories in my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot. (Shameless plug.) The last couple of sentences in the chapter have to do with a special Christmas custom of ours that I hope we’ll be able to observe again this year. It’s possible. We’ll see. I’ll let you know.