The Benefit Of Being Invisible

I guess in some ways I’m hiding out, here in my big, comfortable, black, comfortable poppa chair in my living room. I’m telling you that because Proud Podcast Participant Jeff Silver sent me a note suggesting that I put some pictures of myself and Lady Wonder Wench on the web site. Let me explain why I don’t want to do that. I like the fact that you can’t see me. That way if I can manage to get enough of your interest with what I’m saying, you’ll make up your own picture of me. I can look like the handsomest guy who lurks in your imagination.

 That’s why I liked being on the radio instead of on TV. That’s why when I do TV commercials, I never appear on camera. I just do the voiceovers. That’s why I love doing the personal audio CDs. I like being invisible.

 Look at it this way: If you could be invisible…think of the conversations you could listen to, the people you could watch when they didn’t know you were there, the places you could sneak into for free. It would be like the old comic strip and radio show…”The Shadow.” “Who knows what evil LURKS in the hearts of men. The Shadow knows.” Only his girlfriend Margo Lane could see “The Shadow.” She had to be able to see him, because they were seeing each other.

 I think you can tell a lot about a person by listening to his or her voice. And evidently a lot of people…especially single women… agree with me. The biggest thing in the sperm donor world these days is that the women listen to recordings of the donors voices. I came across a quote by a young lady from Boston by the name of Michelle. She said: “When I found a man who met my criteria regarding education and medical history, I listened to an hour long recording of his voice, telling about his family, friends his life experiences and his wife. It was really moving. During the last minute I had tears rolling down my face, and I knew this was the guy for me.”

 Personal experience: My Lady Wonder Wench sometimes purrs. Which makes me want to pet her…so to speak. On the other hand, the recording of the woman the telephone company uses when she says, “We’re sorry, but your call cannot be completed as dialed” makes me want to gag her with three rolls of duck tape. One of the earliest and strongest memories I have is my dad and mom reading to me when they put me to sleep. Dad had a strong, deep, gentle voice. It made me feel very safe listening to him. Mom loved poetry. And she had a lovely, lilting, quiet voice when she read to me. It made me feel cared for.

 Mom and dad made “once upon a time” a big part of my growing up. It was just as strong as the other big things a kid has to learn. “Always wear clean underwear, in case you’re in an accident and they see you in the hospital.” “Don’t hit people, even if you want to take away their soft, warm oatmeal cookie.” “Don’t run with scissors, especially if you’re chasing your brother.” Of course guys have to learn, “pick up the toilet seat first, then put it back down.” And Brooklyn boys have to learn things like “always put stuff back where you got it. Even if you have to break back in to do it.”

 Dick’s Details Quiz. All answers are in the current podcast.

1-    What tends to put the biggest smiles on the faces of older men ?

2-    In my neighborhood, what kind of books outsell cookbooks?

3-     If you get a call in the middle of the night, and all you hear at the other end is heavy breathing what’s probably on the other end of the line?

 Dick’s Details. They take your mind off your mind.

 We’ve got some good news. Our podcast master David Summer has made it simple fast and easy for you to download as many of our past podcasts as you like. It’s free. Just go to www dot dick summer dot com, slash goodnight. They’ll all come up from I tunes. And Good Night is now also on the Stitcher app- which makes it easy to listen on your iPhone, Android Phone,  BlackBerry and Pre. They call Stitcher Smart Radio for your Smart Phone. You can download it free at All free stuff.

 Long answer to a short question from Proud Podcast Participant Jeff Silver. I don’t put more pictures on the website, do on camera tv commercials…that’s why I loved being on the radio instead of TV, that’s why I love doing audio only podcasts and the Personal Audio CDs. It’s not just that I make a better impression when you can’t see me. I’m not ugly. I just love the idea of being able to get into your head deeply enough, so you feel like making your own picture of what I might look like. Because when you do that, I can always go with you…whenever and wherever you like. I can even go with you to wherever you go, when you go to sleep.

One Response to “The Benefit Of Being Invisible”

  1. dick butler says:

    Why does it matter what someone looks like,if you like their voice or their writings that’s what counts.