No Pouting

I’m sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable, black leather poppa chair, looking out at the November-December weather here in the foothills of the Pocono Mountains. As usual, it’s no where near the Buffalo New York disaster scene. It’s just  quiet, gray and dreary. But, No Pouting, because Santa is about to swashbuckle in here with a big red suit, green, gold and silver wrapped presents, and happy music made by symphony orchestras with choirs, rock bands, and even chipmunks. And there’s no ducking away from him to go suck your thumb and put the back of your hand to your head, and cry in your beer…because “He sees you when you’re sleeping…he knows when you’re awake….” no matter where you are, he’s going to pop up, and lay a ho ho ho on you if you give him a chance. I know things are tough this year, but no matter how tough things may be…the price is right…so you may as well not pout, and just give him a shot.

Santa is lots of things to lots of people. But he pretty often gets a bum rap. He gets the blame for all the tasteless, crass, loud tv commercials for “The Biggest Sale Of The Year.” He also has to take the fall for “Taking Christ out of Christmas.” I think he deserves better. I think it’s time to thank Santa, because that stuff is not his fault.

Santa is a connector. Every year…no matter how old you are…he connects you to who you were when you got your first electric trains… a sled…or a bike under the tree…or your first Christmas kiss. And most important, he’s the connection to that distinct Christmas Eve “tuck you – in – so – Santa – can – come – with – his – reindeer – and – presents” feeling that your parents gave you. It was so safe…and happy…and real. And with a little luck, Santa helps you pass all that along to your kids…every Silent Night.

Of course, “He knows when you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.” Not a bad reminder for us “Louie-Louie Generation” folks. Sometimes we slip. We tell terrible Christmas puns like, “As Adam said to his wife on the day before Christmas, “It’s Christmas, Eve.” I know. That’s awful. But…that’s right. No Pouting.

There’s also the one about how the custom of putting an angel at the top of the tree started. It seems one Christmas Eve, Santa was really harried. Mrs. Claus had burned the Fruit Cakes, the Elves were upset at their HMO providers, and one of Santa’s sleigh runners was broken. Just then, the angel he’d sent to bring home a Christmas tree walked in with the tree and said, “Where would you like me to put this tree, Santa ?” And so, the tradition of the angel at the top of the tree the twas born. Groans are ok…BUT NO POUTING ! Remember…“You better not pout, you better not cry…”yeah…we do too much whining and not enough smiling the rest of the year. Christmas is a very good time to turn that around.

One way to do that is something that’s in this week’s podcast. ( )   I call it, “Pick a person.” Check out the podcast please. Because Pick a person is a guaranteed simple way to put your pouts away. Please check it out in the current podcast. And if you like these podcasts and or the blogs, please forward them to a couple of friends. That would be a good way to grow our group.

It’s also time to send your favorite Christmas story to .We’ll be using them all the way till Christmas. SO……here’s a Golden Goodie from my friend Paul Berge who wrote the Introduction to my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot.       Paul is a heavy duty pilot and a big time film maker. He says: “You have to “Grow Up” to “get it.” No wonder I still don’t “get it,” Dick. I refuse to grow up. I still want a BB gun at Christmas and even if I do shoot my eye out, at least I got the BB gun. “You have to “Grow Up” to get it.”But I still want a real Lionel train under the tree… “You have to “Grow Up” to get it.”But I still have faith that we’ll eventually find Xray glasses that really work….And we’ll realize that Bosco is far superior to CocoMarsh…And the ‘59 Chevy was the best car ever…And Sandy Becker would’ve made a better Pope than that German guy…And Yoohoo in bottles…And Three Musketeers bars for a nickel…And nickels…And singing harmony on a warm summer evening out on the stoop…and nuthin’ to do…And no guilt about doin’ it. Merry All them holidays.


Paul Berge
Ahquabi House Publishing, LLC

Paul nailed it. Please…no pouting. Just send your Christmas stories to And thanks

3 Responses to “No Pouting”

  1. Ellen Ferranti says:

    Funny…I wasn’t thinking about Christmas till I got the podcast; even though it seems all of Manhattan is filled with Christmas decorations (the Rock Ctr Tree is not lit yet tho).
    I love this time of year! I am a December baby and so is my daughter. So, we get lots of presents!
    One of my favorite Christmas stories is the year my Mom got all three of us bikes! My Mom was a single mom (in the early 70’s working full time & going to college) and we didn’t have much money, but she was determined to buy us bikes! My little brother was only 3 or 4, so it was easy to get him a bike and put it together. But she knew she had to scour the pennysaver paper to find second hand bikes for me and my other brother. She was determined!
    That Christmas morning we got up early as usual; but couldn’t get to the tree because my mother blocked the access to it…we were so excited…what did we get?
    When we saw the bikes, we were so happy! Mine was the prettiest pink bike! I had that bike for years! Riding to and from school; riding in the park and throughout the neighborhood. It was one of the best Christmases because we really wanted bikes and didn’t know how Mom was going to get them for us!( my youngest brother thinks he got his from Santa!)
    You know, I don’t remember what happened to that pretty pink bike!
    It was so long ago. We are all grown up now.
    No pouting… just fond memories.
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Carole Mannion says:

    Sandy Becker!!!! Oh boy, there is a blast from the past. I used to love watching him on TV. One of the fun things about reading your blog is that I never know what wonderful, long forgotten memory you will remind me of (OK, in this case it was your buddy Paul).

  3. Betsy says:

    Not being from NY, I had to look up Sandy Becker. Sounds like it was a great show – it said that sadly most of the recordings were not preserved, so all people have is their memories, although a few clips are showing up on the internet.