
Life can be confusing. Today’s podcast includes a feature called “Dick’s Details” which delights in adding to the confusion. Dick’s Details…a bunch of totally un-important stuff for you to stuff in one ear, so you can squeeze the important stuff that’s keeping you awake all night out the other ear, and you can find the snooze button on your alarm clock without actually opening your eyes. The smart guys in the white lab coats tell us that half of all animal species are parasites. I guess the other half must live in other cities. If the answer is, “I’ve gotta go” what is the question? I just found out that there’s enough wood in a cord of wood to make half a ton of toilet paper. I do hope they sand down the splinters very carefully. NASA says astronauts fingernails grow more slowly in space than they do on earth. I don’t think that’s true. It’s gotta be scary up there. So I think those guys are just biting their fingernails more in space than they do on the ground. If the answer is, “I’ve gotta go” the question is “What is the world’s quickest conversation stopper.” Personal experience though. It worked better before we had portable telephones. Dick’s Details, they take your mind off your mind.

car on escalater

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