In today’s podcast, I was trying to explain that it’s going to take more than a squadron of black helicopters full federal smart guys in white lab coats to pry my chair off my beautiful, beleaguered, backside. Well, maybe beautiful is a little too strong a word to describe my backside. I’ve never really seen my backside, but when I was young I couldn’t help notice that several young ladies seemed to approve of mine almost as much as I approved of theirs. Back all those years ago when I was a beach lifeguard at Coney Island, I considered it to be my civic duty to parade my backside down the beach for the girls to admire at least once a day. I was a very successful competitive swimmer in those days. I did the 100 meter butterfly. The way you become successful swimming the butterfly stroke, is not minding that there is one more lap of pulling your arms up over your back and out of their sockets.