Some important stuff about Louie-Louie Generation guys in today’s podcast. For example: “There’s no such thing as a hopeless romantic.” We know that from personal experience because we’re comfortable being powerful guys, and we understand and respect and enjoy our personal power. And that’s why we’re not afraid of the power of a happy, sweaty, lusty love. We know that hope is the power that keeps a romance alive.” And we like being romantic whether other guys approve or not. And lots of other guys don’t approve. I think most guys are afraid they don’t have enough personal power to deal with what other guys think. So they’re just afraid to admit they have romantic feelings. They call that being “Manly.” I call that being”Chicken.” And like most other Louie Louie Generation guys, I don’t really give a damn what other guys think. Louie Louie Generation guys like to think for ourselves.