The “Man-Woman” game gets confusing in today’s podcast. I saw an article in the National Inquirer that said, “Women have had enough abuse. Sexual harassment suits to triple this year.” Then on the cover of the country’s biggest woman’s magazine was a headline that said, “The bad boys are back, and don’t we love them.” As Big Louie always says, “Huh? You’ve got to be kidding.” There’s a story in my local paper about a guy by the name of John Stratton, whose girl left him, and when he found out she left him for another woman he got so upset that he put his head in his oven and turned on the gas. This is true. Evidently he forgot that he had natural gas which is non toxic. By the time he figured it out, he saw the stupidity of what he was doing, so he decided to relax, sit down, and light a cigarette…which of course blew him and his stove sky high.