
Today’s podcast more male brainis about how it always amazes me how weird we get about man and woman things. I did the voiceover for a Wheaties TV commercial featuring Bruce Jenner…a long time ago.  With no pun intended, it took guts for him to do what he did. Or she did. I must admit when I heard about it I caught myself thinking, “Boy that’s weird.” But then I started thinking, “How weird must it have been for him to deal with something as basic as “Am I a man or a woman or something in between?” That kind of confusion is all over the Pimple People Press. I saw an article in the National Inquirer that said, “Women have had enough abuse. Sexual harassment suits to triple this year.” Then on the cover of the country’s biggest woman’s magazine was a headline that said, “The bad boys are  back, and don’t we love them.” As Big Louie always says, “Huh? You’ve got to be kidding.” 

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