
As I told you in this week’s podcast, I know my Lady Wonder Wench is really looking out for me. But sometimes…like today…it gets itchy. I said ITCHy. I was trying to cut some plastic packaging off a new cell phone with a pair of scissors and she said, “Here, let me do that.” Come on. I’m a big boy. I can be trusted with sharp objects. I run a chain saw and a snow blower and I fly an airplane in my spare time. Manly stuff.  But I must admit she does some things like that better than I do. I’m sometimes maturity challenged. I’m stupidly competitive…even with myself. I have to finish the last cereal flake with the last spoonful of milk in my breakfast… it has to come out even. I usually stop the microwave with 1 second to go so I can pretend I’m de-fusing a bomb. And when I watch the TV news, I am sometimes verbally abusive when I notice that some liar’s pants don’t catch fire. Good times and bad times…there have been plenty of both through the years…and she’s always been right there with me. I remember the night I got fired from WNBC Radio a lot of years ago. I wrote a story about how it felt. It’s called “Not Again.” It’s in the current podcast. 

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