
Looking for Christmas stories again this year. Please send yours to dick@dicksummer.com and check out www.dicksummer.com/podcast.

Here’s one from Proud Podcast Participant Ellen F:

Funny…I wasn’t thinking about Christmas till I got the podcast; even
> though it seems all of Manhattan is filled with Christmas decorations (the
> Rock Ctr Tree is not lit yet tho).
> I love this time of year! I am a December baby and so is my daughter. So,
> we get lots of presents!
> One of my favorite Christmas stories is the year my Mom got all three of
> us bikes! My Mom was a single mom (in the early 70’s working full time
> & going to college) and we didn’t have much money, but she was
> determined to buy us bikes! My little brother was only 3 or 4, so it was
> easy to get him a bike and put it together. But she knew she had to scour
> the pennysaver paper to find second hand bikes for me and my other
> brother. She was determined!
> That Christmas morning we got up early as usual; but couldn’t get to the
> tree because my mother blocked the access to it…we were so
> excited…what did we get?
> When we saw the bikes, we were so happy! Mine was the prettiest pink bike!
> I had that bike for years! Riding to and from school; riding in the park
> and throughout the neighborhood. It was one of the best Christmases
> because we really wanted bikes and didn’t know how Mom was going to get
> them for us!( my youngest brother thinks he got his from Santa!)
> You know, I don’t remember what happened to that pretty pink bike!
> It was so long ago. We are all grown up now.
> No pouting… just fond memories.
> Merry Christmas!

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