Dickie Quickie

My friend Capt. Eric sent a very special note about some of the radio stories told here on the Connection. Here’s a short excerpt:

Don’t you miss that world, Dick?  Don’t you think we’ve lost something?  I do.  We’ve lost the live human being bringing living, breathing, human contact into some kid’s ear in the dark of a Kansas summer night.  That was my secret night world…the music and the voices in between the crackling static of distant thunderstoms and the humid buzzing of cicadas.  I’m glad you’re bringing back just a little of that.  But I wish you could go back live.

Yeah I miss it sometimes. But I’m glad I’m not there to see it die. And that’s what it’s doing. Corporate greed and individual cowardice are to blame. But watch for Podcasting and Streaming to come on strong soon. Where there are humans, there is hope.

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