
This is not and never will be a political blog. But having been in the broadcasting business since Marconi, I can’t help the occasional comment about the media. SO – perhaps the most important story of the new year is that Iran has met the start date for closing down premium nuke production. I didn’t hear a single mention of it on any newscast today. Oh my God, can you imagine the fuss if they had NOT started closing down their premium nuke production as they had agreed to do.

Question: Isn’t that at least as important as the very abundant stories about football players, and some she-said-she-said stuff about the bridge? THIS IS A STEP TOWARD AVOIDING WAR IN IRAN. WHAT THE HELL AM I MISSING HERE !!! 

One Response to “Dickie-Quickie”

  1. Sheri says:

    you are missing the very basic fact of the media…. if it bleeds.. it leads…. stories about someone doing what they are suppose to do is not news…. only people making fools of themselves by their words or actions…. and you are right… had they not started doing it.. we would have heard of nothing else all day!