Dick Summer Connection

T.G.I.F. so it’s time for Dick’s Details from today’s podcast. Dick’s Details is a bunch of totally unimportant stuff for you to stuff in one ear, so you can squeeze the important stuff that’s making you frown out the other ear and you can really start feeling Happy Healthy And Hot. It says here that 63% of American pet owners sleep with their pets. Funny thing, that’s what it says in Penthouse magazine too. I guess it’s a different kind of pet. If the answer is “She bought a nightie made of Astroturf” what is the question. I’ll tell you in a minute. 72% of Americans believe in heaven, 12% don’t. I guess that’s why the remaining 16% of the rest of us seem to have sly fun loving smiles on our faces most of the time. Like hell there’s no heaven. 35% of Americans have a habit of yelling at our TV sets. I’ll bet while we’re watching political talk shows, 98% of us yell at our TV sets. Men are more likely to run a stop sign than women. Women are more likely to change lanes without signaling. So if you plan on crossing a downtown street these days it might be a good idea to sign a document that leaves your body to… science fiction. If the answer is “She bought a nightie made of Astroturf, the question is “How did the football widow re-charge her marriage.” Hey…I think that should be good for a touchdown and if the touchdown is made with warm finger tips it should also be good for an extra point. Dick’s Details. They take your mind off your mind. 

A little housekeeping here, if you like the podcasts, or the spoken word story CDs at DickSummer.com, or my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot from Amazon.com, please tell a couple of friends, because they might like them too, and you’d be doing me a favor. Thank you very much. And here’s to the “Thing-a-ma Bob That Does The Job.”

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