Looking for your Christmas stories for the blog and the podcasts. Please send them to dick@dicksummer.com Here’s one I like a lot from last year: “Hey Dick, I thought of a cute story from when my daughter was a young girl. I was giving a group of young 8-9 year olds a ride in our van back from my daughter’s birthday party. Her birthday is December 20th . I was listening to the conversations between the girls. One of the young ladies told the other girls that she did not believe in Santa . She said he was a fictional character created by adults . One of the other girls said to her,” are you willing to take that chance ?” I was chuckling under my breath. It was one of those things you don’t forget.” Chuck Maire
When my nephew was 5 he approached his mother very upset saying that he’d just looked up Santa Claus in the encyclopedia and it said he’s a myth! (he promised not to tell his 2 younger brothers.). 🙂