Dick Summer Connection

We’re collecting your Christmas stories again this year, for this blog and for the podcasts. In order to fully appreciate today’s story, you should know that the writer, Audrey, is a musician and she has a very special spirituality. One of her “other” names is “Many Waters.” Hang on to your heart when you read this:

This probably won’t be very long, but it’s a large event in my life. Christmas 2016 was to be my last Christmas with my husband. ( I didn’t know it at the time.) He had had leukemia for almost 2 years, and I was sick with some one of those 48 hour viruses. I spent my Christmas eve, Christmas, and day after on the couch, wearing a surgical facemask so I wouldn’t spread my germs. The grandkids needed to open their gifts from us, so everyone came up to the house and they opened up their gifts, with each person taking a turn to call out the names on the gifts. It was short but very nice, and I’m glad that Dave got a chance to celebrate his last Christmas with his family, I’m only sorry that I was sick, so any close contact with Dave was out of the question….. no hugs, no kisses, and no snuggling ……… but he was there with us so it was all worth it. I’m also thankful that he was with me for New Year’s Eve — nothing like a Dohse kiss at midnight! Dave died July 18th, 2017, so this Christmas is going to be a difficult one for me. Thank you, Dick, for relaying this and all the other stories for Christmas, as you do every year. It makes the day much warmer.

2 Responses to “Dick Summer Connection”

  1. Bill Killeen says:

    Think Audrey may find some comfort in sharing her story, the Multitude of Dick Summer Fans, are sending her hugs and prayers. God Bless You and Yours, Audrey !! — Bill

  2. Betsy says:

    So sorry for your loss Audrey.