Dick Summer Connection

Today’s podcast is about my recent adventures with a wasp, that I’d just hit. Even though I hit him, he still didn’t fly off, he just sort of slowly backed away kind of daring me to follow him back to his nest…which I realized must have been the wasp nest I found in my mail box. I found it there the day before yesterday when, without looking  I just reached in for the bills and catalogs that are usually there. The nest was all the way in the back of the mailbox. He wasn’t home at the time. But naturally, when I noticed the nest, I reached in carefully and squashed it with the electric bill. Maybe he figured out it was me who did it, and he decided to get even. Those wasps are a lot smarter than we know. I think he was hanging out…lurking…I like that word…lurking…that’s what he was doing…lurking on the bush just outside my glass door, just waiting to pounce when I sat in my big, manly, comfortable poppa chair. He’ll be back I’ll bet. He’s smart, but I think some dogs are smarter. And this dog is a sly, fun loving, genius. 

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