Dick Summer Connection

TGIF so it’s time for Dick’s Details from today’s Podcast: American Airlines has announced that it saved $40,000 by eliminating one olive from first class salads last year. That must have been one huge olive. If the answer is “At a book store filed under fiction,” what is the question? There are more than 635 trillion possible hands in a game of bridge. My Lady Wonder Wench claims she used to date a guy who had more hands than that. 3 Mile Island is only 2 ½ miles long. Sure now…but what was it before that nuke plant blew up. Approximately 50,000 courier pigeons fought in WW 2. I guess they flew around till they spotted a newly waxed enemy tank, and then it was bombs away. Oh yeah…if the answer is “At a book store filed under fiction,” the question is “Where can an ordinary guy find a Catherine Zeta Jones look alike who’s crazy to have sex with him?” Dick’s Details. They take your mind off your mind.

don't die

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