To hell with “WELL” says today’s podcast. It has to do with the first thing you say when someone asks a question. Lots of questions at Christmas. Some have to do with a mouse that was “Stirring around the house” Our daughter in law Donna sent one to hang on our Christmas tree. And John sent this Christmas story to keep in your heart.
John Gfroerer
It is a funny thing how Christmas gifts work. Most shine bright for a bit, but eventually begin to fade, and even lose their attachment to the Holiday from which they came. But I have one that still holds on. It takes me back more years than I remember. I was young when I got it, I know that, maybe twelve or thirteen. It was the time in my life when I wanted to drive fast cars. I had a little shop down in the basement, John’s Speed Shop was the name over the door. I was a subscriber to Hot Rod Magazine, and the time when I would be able to drive a car seemed centuries away. My parents were not interested in these dreams of mine. I don’t know what they had in mind for me, but auto mechanics and fast cars was not on their list. But my oldest brother saw things from a different window. So it was that one year for Christmas he gave me a 15 piece 1/4” socket set. It was small, compact in its bright red metal case, and all the pieces were shiny chrome plated. There were ten sockets, a ratchet, two extenders, a flex piece, and a straight driver with a yellow plastic handle, like a screw driver. At that moment in time this set was beyond even being considered for my Christmas list.
Now my oldest brother and I live miles apart. We haven’t seen each other on Christmas in maybe forty years. And I couldn’t say when the last time we exchanged gifts. Let’s just say it has been a while. As brothers go, we are not particularly close. His politics appall me, maybe even more than mine appall him. We don’t have a lot in common except some DNA, a set of parents and siblings, and over sixty years of being in each others lives.
But that socket set is out in my garage. In fact, I used it just a couple weeks ago. The red paint is a little chipped and worn. The case doesn’t close as perfectly as it once did. One or two of the sockets may be missing. But the ratchet still works and that yellow plastic handle still feels perfect in my hand. The set is without dispute, the thing I have owned the longest that makes me think of Christmas and brother Pete every time I use it.