Every day my email (Dick@DickSummer.com ) has been full of your Christmas stories. I can’t thank you enough. If you’ve just joined us, to understand what’s going on here, please go to www.DickSummer.com/podcast/latest .
Here’s a note from Proud Podcast Participant Betsy:
Although I have no specific memories that stand out, I did want to say that my next door neighbors when I was growing up spent every Christmas with us. They had no children and were like grandparents to me. My Christmas mornings, as well as my life, were much enhanced by their presence and their love. I don’t think I expressed this to them near enough while they were alive, heck I probably didn’t even realize it myself. I think a lot of times it’s when we’re older looking back, and after the people are gone, that we truly begin to realize what they brought to our lives. So, Nina and Bunk, wherever you are, if you read Dick’s blog, Merry Christmas, I miss you……… and thanks.