We’re heading into our sixth year together. Thank you for giving me a few minutes of your valuable time every week again this year. Thank you if you’ve just joined us. And thank you even more if you’ve been part of the “Huddle” from the beginning. If you’ve just joined us, Let me explain that this podcast/blog is about the constant struggle of the Louie-Generation lads and ladies against the forces of the Pimple People, and the Dreadful drones. In other words…it’s about the fact that real courage isn’t always about beating your chest and hollering, “I’m number one.” Sometimes it’s just about a small voice at the end of the day that says, “I’ll try again tomorrow.” That’s hard. But Louie-Louie Generation folks have been through plenty. And we’ve got plenty left. Plenty of juice. Plenty of juice for fun, for new friends, for sex, for new ideas, and for turning fantasies into facts. Sometimes it’s pretty tough. But…one more day…we can do. And when we need help, we just remember what Big Louie, his own bad self, the Chief Mustard Cutter of the Louie-Louie Generation always says: “Therapy is expensive…snapping bubble wrap is cheap. Your choice.”
We’re having a three week celebration this year. This time, we’ll check out the top five downloaded podcasts/blogs of the year. Next time it’s the top five downloaded podcasts/blogs of the entire six years. There’s a big difference. And the time after that it’ll be the top five most downloaded stories from the Personal Audio CDs.
Time to pop the cork. This year’s fifth most downloaded podcast/blog is from last July 24. It was about an email that had just come in that was so un-expected, and such a bomb shell, that when I called my Lady Wonder Wench and told her about it. She said something like “Oh my God, Wow”…and she was holding her cell phone at arms length by the time she got to the word “wow.” That “wow” came out on a note that was so high and loud, that I couldn’t really hear it, but my neighbor Randy’s Golden Retriever came over and told me about it. The email was notification from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame that they had included some of my work in their new exhibit. The podcast/blog is called, “Rock and Roll is here to stay.” I haven’t been to the Rock Hall yet to see it. If you have, please tell me about it. The Email is Dick@DickSummer.com .
This year’s fourth most downloaded podcast/blog is about leap year…sort of. In it, I told you I was not leaping from my big, manly, comfortable, black leather pappa chair, because I have found that I don’t bounce nearly as well as I used to. But Proud Podcast Participant Betsy K nailed what it was really all about when she sent an email that said, “I liked “Leap” because I think at the age of most Louie-Louie Generation Lads and Lasses, we need to be reminded to leap, to see how high we can fly…while we still can. The podcast/blog is called, “Leap” and it’s from February 4th of this year.
Proud Podcast Participant Betsy K also had a comment about the third most downloaded podcast/blog this year. She said, “Whistle Missile is a podcast that reminds us to smile. Not enough smiling going on these days.” “Whistle Missle” was an announcement of our constant struggle to save the world, stop the sky from falling, and keep Victoria’s Secret out of the bad guy’s hands. The ones with the cold fingertips. It was an announcement that The Big Louie Department of Defence and Fooling Around has decided that it was time to target the Tear Mongers…the Dreadful Drones, who are always running around wringing their hands and mongering tears. Louie decided to launch our ultimate un-doomsday weapon…our, January 7th podcast/blog called the “Whistle Missile.”
Podcast/blog number two this year was about something I forgot…that I shouldn’t have forgotton. My wedding anniversary. Big Louie tried to cheer me up. He said, “Don’t worry about forgetting things. That happens. People get older. They get larger. They start to smell bad. That’s why they need their own space.” Louie is such a comfort sometimes. But my Lady Wonder Wench did a lot better than that. He has a blog called Wonder Wench Writes. And in it, she said, “My Louie-Louie Lad remembers me all the time…with jelly beans, and daffodils, and holding hands, and laughing at silly jokes, and telling bedtime stories.” That made me stand up very straight, look her right in the eyes, and kiss her till my filling melted. Proud Podcast Participant Jeff S. had a somewhat different reaction. He said, “It’s so wonderful to see that there is a happy ending to some of life’s stories. Not that you guys are ending. Although Dick is further along than most of us.” Thank you so much Jeff.
Please remember that you can hear all the podcasts, and/or read all the blogs…all the way back to the beginning…at www.dicksummer.com/podcast. They’re all there, and it’s all free…because it’s just between us…Sorry…it’s just among us…for the picky, picky among us.
Ok. Here is is. The most downloaded podcast/blog of the past 12 months…our sixth year. It’s from September 2, 2011. It’s called, “Tucking Summer Away.”
Friday, September 2nd, 2011
Time to tuck another summer away. Sunrise, sunset. To everything there is a season. And this is the season when Summer falls asleep. The long, laughing, lazy, crazy, hazy days at the beach, the nights full of soft lovers voices under the boardwalk…Saturdays in the park, itsy, bitsy, teeny, yellow polka dot bikinis, roller coasters, Italian ice cups, baseball, the sound of crickets, and lawn sprinklers…you can feel them all slipping away…into fall.
Time to tuck away the fireworks, hang up the hammock, and take one more turn around the grass on the lawn tractor. And for my Lady Wonder Wench and me, time to wrap the cape around this Summer’s memories. The ones that started in March with Met’s Spring Training. We’re taking our end of the summer trip up to old Cape Cod this week. I love the ocean…when it’s gentle…or even when it gets a little frisky. I can hear it in my head, even in the winter.
But I think there’s going to be a problem on the beach this year. I am packing my old Speedo that I’ve worn ever since I was a competitive swimmer…in college…a long, long, long time ago. It still pretty much fits me. But my Lady Wonder Wench is also packing that Godawful thing she bought me that she calls, “Your new trunks,” and she’s wearing that…wife look. You know the one that says something along the lines of, “I had a nightmare last night that you and George Clooney were fighting over me, and you won.” I knew this was going to happen ever since last year. Last year, while I was striding down the beach in my Speedo, she didn’t want to walk with me, and I distinctly heard her tell her friend Carine, that I was making it obvious that all men are not created equal. I took that as a compliment. But…maybe not.
I used to go walking in the sand like I owned the beach when I was a Coney Island life guard, a long, long, long time ago. Can’t do that since I had a knee replacement. It WAS a long time ago…when girls first started wearing bikinis. I wasn’t used to that. I sometimes walked down the beach for hours and never saw a girl’s face. Us Louie-Louie Generation guys have been around for a long time. So have our Louie-Louie ladies. And we like that. Most of the time. There’s a story about watching the seasons spin around together in the Bedtime Stories personal audio cd, and in the current podcast. It’s called “For The Long Run.”
I like that I know exactly the place on my shoulder where her head rests at night. I like that I can recognize her perfume. I like that when she has a bad dream, I can make it go away by just holding her hand…she smiles in her sleep when I do that. I like that she feels safe with me…she has done me the honor of allowing me to protect her for a long time.
“For The Long Run” is from the Bedtime Stories personal audio cd. If you like it, you can just keep the current podcast, or if you want a fresh copy, just download it from the Bedtime Stories icon on the home page.
Dick’s Details Quiz. All answers are in the current podcast.
1- Why was my friend Bob’s request for his vanity plate refused ?
2- What’s the real reason homing pigeons can’t navigate with a magnet attached to their necks ?
3- What keeps women in Ontario from going topless ?
Dick’s Details. They take your mind off your mind.
To everything there is a season. Sunrise, sunset. My Lady Wonder Wench and I are New York Mets fans…for our sins. And our summer begins in late March, when we go to Florida to catch some Spring Training. I like that word…spring. I think they gave it that name so you could start listening for it in the middle of the night in March. Haven’t you ever listened carefully and heard little green stuff popping out of the snow ? That means Spring is coming.
I know there’s a soggy, sweaty, stinky side to Summer. But Summer is my season. I love it. But it’s time. Sunrise, sunset. It’s time to tuck another summer away. To everything there is a season. My Lady Wonder Wench and I will be away for a couple of weeks. I’m not taking a computer, because a vacation is a vacation. So there won’t be a blog or podcast for a couple of weeks either. But I am taking my Speedo. Because I don’t care if my birthday suit needs some ironing. I look forward to walking in the sand in my trusty old Speedo all year long.
I hate to tuck this summer away…but I’m pretty sure that if I listen closely enough next March…in the middle of the night when everything else is quiet…I’ll hear that little green stuff popping up.
I know this Summer has to fall asleep. Because…sunrise, sunset… that’s the only way there can be another spring.
That’s it. Thanks. Thanks for being there for me, and for my Lady Wonder Wench, and Big Louie…and…you know. Just thanks. Next time, it’s the top five podcasts/blogs from the entire six years. Happy Anniversary.
Nice job! But seriously? You are taking the speedo?
Ok, well, I’m looking forward to the rest of the ‘casts but vacation pictures? and I think I speak for at least some of us in podcast land, ok, maybe a few but no beach pictures. Enjoy the cape but bring a sweater!
And, by the way, I think the Cape is a national something or other, so that speedo might be a national security issue.
Hey I’d love to see beach pictures! (as long as I’m not in them!)
Yeah – when I lived in NH the summers were hot and sweaty and sometimes even stifling! But now that I live in the northwest, there is very low humidity, and the heat of the summer is more comfortable at higher temperatures. ie: you don’t feel like you’re walking out into a steam bath when you go outside from the inside A.C.
but still — there are those lazy, hazy (but not humid), crazy days of summer — those days of soda and iced lattes and wine —-
Oh yes — before I have another Senior moment —
Oh, the lazy,crazy days of Paragon Park and the ‘BZ trailer. Juicy Brucey Bradley. Staying up late listening to Nightlight. Thanks for the memories. Happy Anniversary.
A-MEN, Joanne!!!
Yes! Paragon Park, Sundex Studio! Great memories!!