Today’s features three songs that pack a knockout emotional punch for me. I loved playing them on the air, because shared emotional experiences keep friendships fresh and lovers firmly connected to each other. I felt that playing them brought my listeners into my life.
A song is a story set to music. A story needs a beginning, a middle and an end. And the end should have to do with what happens in the middle. Today’s includes the most perfect example if that I’ve ever heard. Give a listen please.
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Is it the melody or the lyrics of a song that makes it important to you? Today’s says to the musicians I asked about that, they all said the melody. But to me, it’s the words. What does it for you? There are three examples in the podcast. Give a listen please.
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Men & women tend to like different kinds of stories. A song lyric is a story set to music. Today’s is about three stories set to music that you certainly know…and one you’ve probably never heard…but you’ll love it..whether you’re a man or a woman.
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“Frank” has been a buddy of mine for more than 30 years. It’s been lots of burgers & brewskies. And lots of Auld Lang Synes. But politics is one thing we can’t discuss, and I think the reason we can’t is that he’s afraid he won’t be able to deal with what might happen in the near future. This www.Dick/ explores the reasons behind that. If you’re experiencing that same problem, this podcast may help.
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My best buddy “Frank” is the kind of guy you want to see when there’s lots of burgers and brewskies to go around. But today’s says he’s also good to have around when the skies are falling down around your head and shoulders. But we just can’t talk politics. Here’s how we do it.
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Today’s is about something I can’t talk about with my best buddy…politics. We’re determined not to let it destroy a decades long friendship. So we talk about more important things…like the ladies in our lives, and sports, and the joys of a long and solid friendship.
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Today’s asks, “What’s the most important thing that’s going on in your life?” It seems that many people’s honest answer to that important question would be, “Politics.” “Them” against “Us.” John Lennon disagrees. So do I. How about you?
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Can you be close friends with someone who’s politics are completely opposite from yours? Today’s www.Dick/ says, “Yes you can. But here’s how it works.” There are some things that are simply much more important than politics. And I think friendship is one of those things.
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