Archive for July, 2022

Dick Summer Connection

Thursday, July 21st, 2022

Today’s includes an Email from Pretty Podcast Person Penny Grant that says, “Here’s how to have a happy day. Wake up. Smile. Eat a mango. Make your bed. Wash the dishes. Eat an Oreo and some kind of sweet cold cereal. Sweep the floor. Hang a picture. Put on a pink polka dot bikini. Go to the beach. Swim with your eyes open. Drink cold water. Laze in the sun. Read a good book. Watch the sea gull flex it’s feathers. See a baby’s butt. Go home. Take a long warm shower. Call out for a pizza. Give the delivery guy a nice tip. Eat the pizza and drink your favorite fruit juice for dinner. Watch your favorite TV show. Go to bed and enjoy your best dream.
Sounds like a good way to stay young to me. What do you think? My Email is

Dick Summer Connection

Wednesday, July 20th, 2022

A drastic atack of the dreaded “Precocious Ab Deflation” is the subject of today’s I made the mistake of looking in the mirror at this former Coney Island lifeguard. The front view is pretty good. Strong chest. The back view isn’t bad. Firm butt and shock of shiny grey hair. But then…the mistake. I turned sideways. Don’t do that guys. It was obvious that somehow…I had come down with the dreaded, “Precocious Ab Deflation.” Let’s look at that term. Pre-as in something that was, but isn’t any more. Like an ex husband. Cocious is a completely Brooklyn word meaning a wise person…as in the baseball team with the best cocious usually wins their ball games. (Gotta say it out loud. COCIOUS.) Abs are the muscles that grow on your belly. (All the guys in the beer commercials seem to have them in abundance.) And de-flation is what happens when you boist ya baloon. (Another Brooklyn pronounciation.) What a let down. Precocious ab deflation. I used to have great abs, but I don’t any more because somehow wisdom escaped me when the beer came around. Ugly.

Dick Summer Connection

Tuesday, July 19th, 2022

Today’s includes a story I call “The Tiny Dancer.” It came from something I saw on a late morning in New York City when I caught a middle age guy looking in a store window…obviously watching the reflection of a pretty young woman crossing the street. The guy had the strangest look on his face. It was obvious that he had a story with her…or somebody who looked very much like her. And it got me to wonder what that story was like. It was just a quick flash of time…so I didn’t have the chance to ask him. So “The Tiny Dancer” seemed like a pretty good shot at a reasonable answer. Whatever their real story might have been this…or something very much like it, is what I really believe probably happened…between them.

Dick Summer Connection

Monday, July 18th, 2022

I carefully installed the chinning bar over the doorway in my office today, so I could do some one arm chin ups like I did under the boardwalk when I was a Coney Island beach lifeguard all those years ago. Today’s admits that I then took some deep breaths, reached up to the bar and PULLED. The first few inches were fine. The next couple of inches was slower. And the last couple of inches that I needed to get my shnoz up over the bar seemed to take about a half hour each…even when I fell back on my favorite secret strength…LUST. I imagined I was doing a chin up so I could watch Catherine Zeta Jones taking a shower. Even that didn’t help. And furthermore…I was very tempted to just hang by my schnoz for a while…but I didn’t. I just let go of the bar, and fell down into what we body builders call the Quasi-Moto position. Neck stuck to one side, and very…bent over. Sic transit Gloriam. And that doesn’t mean “Gloria got sick on a city bus.” In this case it meant I’ll never be 18 years old again

Dick Summer Connection

Sunday, July 17th, 2022

Today’s says in part, that my abs were the victims of “Precocious Ab Deflation.” it means my stomach muscles used to be rock hard, but they went flabby long before a wise person could have expected that to happen. It’s an ancient Brooklyn language term. “Pre” as in “before”…like your ex husband or wife. And “cocious” as in the baseball team that has the wisest “cocious” on the base paths ususally wins the most games. (Gotta say it out loud. “Cocious.”) So undergoing “Pre-cocious Ab Deflation” means my once rock hard abs de-flated long before I expected them to go. Better give this a listen, because it could happen to you.

Dick Summer Connection

Saturday, July 16th, 2022

Capt. Stubing was the guy in charge of TV’s “Love Boat.” The officer responsible for the safety of the ship, and the guy who was responsible for seeing to it that the passengers got what the ship promised in terms of sometimes naughty fun. Today’s puts you in charge of your own safety. And in charge of your own sometimes naughty fun. Give a listen. And let me know how it works for you. I’m really interested.

Dick Summer Connection

Friday, July 15th, 2022

I was coming home from a night flght back when I was still flying my little Piper airplane. The airport lighting wasn’t very good. As I was lined up on final approach, some kind of voice in my head shouted “don’t land.” So I did what I was taught. I went around for another approach. When I got down closer to the ground, I saw a motor cycle running up and down the runway. That was a combination of my conscious and an unconscious minds…that saved two lives that night. His and mine. Today’s podcast says that I found a way for you to combine your conscious and unconscious minds to give you a big boost in your life. I call it the “Gloat Boat.” Give a listen please, and let me know how it works for you. My email is

Dick Summer Connection

Thursday, July 14th, 2022

Today’s is about taking a highly, holy, Happy cruise on your own personal “Gloat Boat.” It’s about getting the things you want. NOW.

Dick Summer Connection

Wednesday, July 13th, 2022

Lots of surprises in your life, I’ll bet. Some of them VERY GOOD. Some of them…not so much. Today’s is called “The Gloat Boat.” Please give a listen. And learn the right way to…GLOAT.

Dick Summer Connection

Tuesday, July 12th, 2022

Today’s is about the “Gloat Boat.” The “Gloat Boat” takes you back for some quick flashes of some of the feelings of success, fun and control you’ve had in your life…and helps you feel like that again. It’s a little like fhat “Love Boat” on TV lots of years ago, but instead of just watching the “Gloat Boat”, you’re the Captain IN IT. Give a listen please.