Archive for March, 2022

Dick Summer Connection

Thursday, March 31st, 2022
Today’s podcast says there were lots of half naked beautiful young women running arond in my life all those years ago. So why did I push them away?

Dick Summer Connection

Wednesday, March 30th, 2022
Today’s podcast is about some of the nearly naked knockouts I got to meet while I was on the air in the evening…in New York City. And what I didn’t do with them. Honest!

Dick Summer Connection

Tuesday, March 29th, 2022
Today’s podcast is about some silky, sexy, half clad ladies in the middle of some Manhattan Midnights. And how I had to treat them as if I were way “Over the Hill.”

Dick Summer Connection

Monday, March 28th, 2022
Today’s podcast is about the time I actually dealt with a situaton…maturely. It doesn’t happen often. But looking back at it now, I’m glad that happened. Sort of.

Dick Summer Connection

Sunday, March 27th, 2022
I had to be careful of the “Lady Wonder Wench” factor when I was telling you the main story of this podcast. Because it’s bout silky, sexy, half clad ladies in the middle of some Manhattan Midnights.

Dick Summer Connection

Saturday, March 26th, 2022
I just took a walk down an American street, and I saw a telephone pole, and a pretty lady with big blue eyes who was wearing glasses…and I was so amazed that I married her. Her family is mostly Polish, so I guess you could say that I married a Pole too….a very curvey one. And this podcast says Be careful where and when you go for a walk in America.

Dick Summer Connection

Friday, March 25th, 2022
Today’s podcast is about taking a walk around an American block…and SEEING some things you may not see any place else.

Dick Summer Connection

Thursday, March 24th, 2022
Today’s podcast says, lots of people looked up at the sky and said lets go flying, but it took a couple of brothers with the wright stuff to get it done. That was about the same time as Henry built a car you could afford. One of the New York newspapers at that time said, that would eliminate the pollution the horses left on the streets every day. And of course it did. But sometimes things don’t work out like you expect

Dick Summer Connection

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022
If you didn’t know your birthday, how old would you think you are? That’s a question from today’s podcast.

Dick Summer Connection

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022
Who saw that cows had funny looking things hanging down and said, “I wonder what would happen if I squeezed one of those? Today’s podcast says it was proably a relative of the first cave guy who was walking along the beach and saw a lobster, picked it up and brought it home, gave it to his cave wife and said, here…lets have this for supper tonight?