Archive for June, 2020

Dick Summer Connection

Thursday, June 11th, 2020
One of the important lessons from today’s podcast is
“Enjoy whatever you want today, because tomorrow may be kind of grim.

Dick Summer Connection

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020
Today’s Podcast is about the days of Louie-Louie, when men were men, and that wasn’t too popular among our women. But…we did as well as we could. After all…we’re only guys.

Dick Summer Connection

Tuesday, June 9th, 2020
“Sex is the biggest nothing of all time” is the quote. Today’s podcast asks, “Was that said by a man or a woman.” Two of you have already gotten the correct answer. What do YOU think?

Dick Summer Connection

Monday, June 8th, 2020
Today’s podcast is about realizing that lots of road signs remind me of my Lady Wonder Wench. “Soft Shoulder” Slippery When Wet, and my favorite…Yield.

Sunday, June 7th, 2020
Today’s podcast is about my Lady Wonder Wench’s ability to make a guys glands crash without even trying. It’s also about lending my mother my car.

Dick Summer Connection

Saturday, June 6th, 2020
This guy won’t leave my Lady Wonder Wench alone.

Dick Summer Connection

Saturday, June 6th, 2020
Several drive ins are re-opening. They claim they will maintain social distancing. In a way that’s really too bad. Today’s podcast says what’s called Social Distancing now actually feels like anti social distancing. As I recall from my miss-spent youth, drive ins were very well known for their superbly social non distancing. That’s why they were called passion pits.

Dick Summer Connection

Friday, June 5th, 2020
There is a sign in the beauty shop window down the block that says We will make you look 20 years younger. Today’s podcast wonders if a 20 year old young lady went in there, and they made her look 20 years younger, would she disappear?

Dick Summer Connection

Thursday, June 4th, 2020
Sex. There’s sex everywhere these days… and nights. Today’s podcast says every time I watch TV there’s a commercial on about some guy by the name of Ed. Ed’s sexy girlfriend’s name is Alice. Every night Ed goes to Cialis, but for some reason I can’t figure out, they spend the night together in separate bath tubs. What a waste.

Dick Summer Connection

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020
Today’s podcast says that stranger in the white fedora who calls himself Story Man isn’t the only guy who visits my sexy Lady Wonder Wench while she’s in bed. She gets up with Bob almost every morning too. Bob’s name is right there on her digital clock. She claims it’s just her digital clock showing the time as 8:08. But those numbers are kind of square and they sure looks like B O B to me. .