Archive for May, 2020

Dick Summer Connection

Sunday, May 31st, 2020
A stranger’s white fedora sits on the night table right next to my Lady Wonder Wench’s side of our bed. That strangers white fedora belongs to a sexy older guy who calls himself, Story Man. Story Man has a good strong body, a deep sexy voice, and he likes to wear that white fedora when he helps my lady get undressed for bed. While he’s un-hooking her bra he likes to tell her silly little stories to make her giggle likeā€¦”Do you know what you call kinky sex with chocolateā€¦ S&M&M.” The stranger in the white fedora likes to watch her bounce a little when she giggles. I like that too. Today’s podcast says Any guy would like that.

Dick Summer Connection

Saturday, May 30th, 2020
Today’s podcast is about the start of Summer…a couple of years ago…when our biggest problem was taking a shower when the water wasn’t just right. And hoping that’s the way it’ll be next year…again.

Dick Summer Connection

Friday, May 29th, 2020
Today’s podcast is about, among other things, one Summer a long time ago when I learned an important lesson about women. It’s the only lesson about women that I remember to this day.

Dick Summer Connection

Thursday, May 28th, 2020
Today’s podcast is about your super Summer power. “Sunshine Superman” was a big hit for a reason. You may be that reason.

Dick Summer Connection

Thursday, May 28th, 2020
Today’s podcast is about your secret Summer power. “Sunshine Superman” was a big hit for a reason. YOU MAY BE THAT REASON.

Dick Summer Connection

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020
Today’s podcast says SUMMER IS HERE! It’s a little early this year, but with the crap that’s going on WE NEED IT. Some of you are already going to the beach. Good. But don’t forget you know what.

Tuesday, May 26th, 2020
We’ll all be going for aa nice, comfortable swim soon. Today’s podcast says, “be careful who gets to be your closest swimming buddy.

Monday, May 25th, 2020
Today’s podcast is about enjoying the Summer. It’s obvious that it will be a while till some of us will have to return to school, but that’s a bit of a while from now…so ENJOY THIS TIME OFF.

Sunday, May 24th, 2020
Today’s podcast is about how the beginning of Summer feels to me…walkin in the sand, 76 Trombones, watching the fireworks with a girl…under the boardwalk. It made me feel like a “Sunshine Superman.”

Dick Summer Connection

Saturday, May 23rd, 2020
It’s “Just” one more pound…the difference between 189 & 190. But that one pound is…precious…to me. Today’s podcast explains why 16 ounces makes such a difference in my head as well as in my gut. If you’ve been hiding out and raiding the fridge…you may find yourself here.