There’s a song called, “My Way.” It’s about doing your life the way you want to do your life. Today’s podcast says that’s a good idea. And one of the reasons the song was such a big hit is that it reminds us to do just that. “Do You.” Everybody else is taken.
Archive for February, 2020
Dick Summer Connection
Saturday, February 29th, 2020Dick Summer Connection
Friday, February 28th, 2020DON’T “MATURE” GUYS. Today’s podcast says “maturing” for guys is a trap. Besides, we can’t. We have too much testosterone. That’s a preservative. Keeps thing from growing. Growing is another word for “maturing.” Don’t believe me, ask your doctor.
Dick Summer Connection
Thursday, February 27th, 2020Many people who are not guys will sometimes call those of us who are guys “Maturity Challenged.” And they’re right. But today’s podcast explains that it’s not our fault. A guy’s brain is swimming in a sea of testosterone, which gives him a deep voice, a beard, and a hand just the right size for using a TV remote.
Dick Summer Connection
Wednesday, February 26th, 2020Please remember, testosterone is a preservative. And a preservative keeps meat and stuff from growing old and gnarly. And today’s podcast reminds us that growing is another word for maturing. So a brain swimming in testosterone simply can’t grow and mature. So please don’t complain. It’s not our fault. We’re only guys.
Dick Summer Connection
Tuesday, February 25th, 2020Mostly, I like being a Louie Louie Generation guy. Today’s podcast claims that’s because I still have some twinkles in my wrinkles. And by the way, wrinkled is not something I planned I’d be.
Dick Summer Connection
Monday, February 24th, 2020If you listened to today’s podcast you’d understand why guys simply cannot mature. It’s not our fault. It’s electro-chemical. It’s in the podcast. It makes us seek out ladies who seem capable of nursing us. We simply cannot learn from our mistakes.
Dick Summer Connection
Sunday, February 23rd, 2020IT IS NOT OUR FAULT! Guys CANNOT mature. Today’s podcast explains why we can’t. It’s not complicated, and there’s absolutely nothing we can do to change it. So please…if you are a non-guy, try to understand our problem.
Dick Summer Connection
Saturday, February 22nd, 2020This was such a perfect response from Proud Podcast Person Marilyn duP that I had to put it here.
Good morning, Dick. I did what you said. I went to MacDonald’s and ordered an egg mcmuffin and a chicken mcmuffin. I must have stood there for half an hour while the kid behind the counter tried to decide which one to put in the bag first. I finally left . . . still hungry.
Dick Summer Connection
Saturday, February 22nd, 2020. I like to avoid mistakes like assuming that the chicken came before the egg. Today’s podcast says before you jump to that conclusion you should do some basic research. Go down to the local McDonalds, and order an egg mc muffin and a mc chicken at the same time, and see which comes first.
Dick Summer Connection
Friday, February 21st, 2020Today’s podcast admits that I always take a shower instead of a bath. My research says when you put a stick in the water it always looks bent. I just don’t want to take the chance on making that mistake with my body. Maybe if I took lots of Viagra it would straighten things out.