Archive for March, 2019

Dick Summer Connection

Sunday, March 31st, 2019

This news just in: Russia has experienced such a large drop in their birth rate that they now have a holiday on June 12th called “The Day of Conception.” I am not making this up. Today’s podcast says “On this day Russian couples are given a half a day off from work to procreate…and it works. The birthrate around the middle of March, 9 months from Conception Day in Russia, has tripled. To make things even more fun, couples who give birth closest to March 12,th, exactly 9 months from Conception day, are given prizes including cars, cash and appliances.” I think it may be time to seriously consider collusion with the Russians. Can you imagine the parades and the floats on Conception Day?

Dick Summer Connection

Saturday, March 30th, 2019

Radio is just a machine that transmits audio programming. But todays podcast says podcasts are audio programming too. And they’re not limited by the power of a transmitter. When my Lady Wonder Wench got hurt in a horseback accident a few years ago, I mentioned it on my podcast. She got mail from all over the world, including a stuffed panda from an American working in China. So suppose Radio went back to its roots. “Theater of the heart.” Pictures made of sound. I wonder if theater of the heart could put a smile on the face of those pictures. Even the selfies being taken now by the members of Generation Z. I think it could.

Dick Summer Connection

Friday, March 29th, 2019

One of the things people used to say when I was on the air in a public place…like a restaurant was “You don’t look anything like you sound.” I loved that. Today’s podcast explains that when the sound of my voice gave a listener a kind of paint brush, and the listener used it to make a picture in his mind, that picture was the result of “Theater Of The Heart.” No emotional confusion. 

Dick Summer Connection

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

Do you have a favorite DJ? I think you would if he or she made a connection with you. So…what’s that got to do with all the loneliness that’s getting us fat and depressed? Today’s podcast says, “loneliness is a lack of connection with other human beings.” A lack of connection. Connection is what Willie B did for me when I was a kid all those years ago. Rush and Howard do that daily. Things get pretty hot when they’re on the air. And they swim in their audience’s sweat together. I call that Theater of the heart. You’ve probably heard about Theater of the mind. Theater of the mind is informative and entertaining. Theater of the heart is a connection. Talk radio is theater of the heart. It’s sweaty, gut wrenching, fury. It’s also a one topic political polemic. But it doesn’t have to be the only Theater of the heart. Anger isn’t the only emotion you can feel. Right? How does it feel when you pat your dog, or somebody you care about says, “I love you,” or your sports team wins a big one. That’s theater of the heart, too. I don’t think men and women were meant to be lonely.

Dick Summer Connection

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

I think loneliness could be a savior for radio. Here’s why. Today’s podcast says loneliness is a feeling of being disconnected from other human beings. 51% of Americans in a recent survey now say they always feel alone and 20% say they rarely or never feel close to anyone. What’s that got to do with radio? True story…A long time ago, my mom and dad gave me a transistor radio for Christmas. I don’t think I turned if off till the 4th of July. I hid it under my pillow at night listening to William B. Williams. He always started his show by saying, “Hello World.” Willie welcomed me into his world every night. Me. A kid with big ears and pimples listening in Brooklyn. Willie’s world was full of famous musicians and other show biz people. Willie taught me a huge lesson about radio with one sentence. Willie was a big booster of an outfit called Big Brothers. Guys who spent time with kids who didn’t have much of a father figure in their lives. A big singing star by the name of Vic Damone was also heavily into big Brothers. Vic was doing a benefit concert for Big Brothers, and Willie was Mcing it. So Willie had Vic on his show one night to promote the concert. It was a warm and wonderful interview. Just two guys who really tried to help a bunch of kids. At the end of the interview, Willie took about ten seconds of dead air. TEN SECONDS OF DEAD AIR on one of the most powerful stations in the world. And then he very quietly said, “Vic, I really like you.” It was perfect. It was real. It put me on the floor. Right in that instant, I connected with Vic Damone and Willie B. That connection still tugs at me every time I think about it.

Dick Summer Connection

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

“Relying on social networks to connect with one another leads people to going out less, therefore…they’re not meeting new people or seeing old friends in person, and that worsens friendships.” It says, “55% of the people surveyed agree that social media has made relationships with friends more superficial.” Things have gotten so bad in Britian, that the government there has now put a Minister of Lonelyness in charge of cutting down on the estimated 48% of people who say they’re suffering from loneliness. Being lonely is no joke. It takes a physical toll on your body and soul

Dick Summer Connection

Monday, March 25th, 2019

An Email just came pouring in, from my friend Bill Diehl. You may recognize his name from ABC radio news. Bill and I worked together at WNEW radio in New York. Well…Bill was in news so he worked, I played records. Bill’s note says the college he went to is shutting down their radio station, because the students aren’t interested in radio any more. Bill is upset. And I understand why. I went to Fordham in New York, and I spent more time at the Fordham radio station…WFUV…than I did in class. I loved it. Today’s admits there’s no question that radio is in trouble, especially with Generation Z, people born after 1995. And Generation Z is projected to account for 40% of all consumers in the US in another year or so. I think it’s Interesting that there has been a correspondingly huge surge in loneliness in that group over the last few years.

Dick Summer Connection

Sunday, March 24th, 2019

You’ve probably heard about “Theater of the Mind.” But today’s podcast is about something much stronger. I call it “Theater of the Heart.” It’s about emotional contacts made with sounds.  if you’ve ever felt lonely.

Dick Summer Connection

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

There are just some things that men do better than women, according to today’s podcast. I have a hunch that may work around the other way too. Give a listen and let me know please.

Dick Summer Connection

Friday, March 22nd, 2019

Mostly today’s podcast has to do with how different men are from women. But there’s an amazing moment at the end, that will hit you hard, especially if you’re a step parent. Give a listen, please. All the way through.