Archive for February, 2018

Dick Summer Connection

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

Today’s podcast is about the first flower of Spring. It POPPED UP from the winter dead grass in my front yard the other day. I gave it to my Lady Wonder Wench, and she’s keeping it. It’s like God looked down and said “Enough of February. Here’s something to look forward to.” I wonder if God listens to podcasts?


Dick Summer Connection

Tuesday, February 27th, 2018

A little yellow flower poked it’s head up through the frozen winter ground the other day. Today’s podcast is about the first absolute notice that Spring is really coming. I picked it, and gave it to my Lady Wonder Wench. She keeps things like that…shells from beaches we’ve explored on vacations past, a shirt of mine she used to wear to bed when I was away on business over night, a very old Christmas poem I wrote a long time ago…They are 3D “Selfies” of the times of our lives. Her favorite story is called “Losers.” It’s in today’s podcast too. Thanks for sharing this with my Lady and me.

Dick Summer Connection

Monday, February 26th, 2018

It’s just a little yellow flower in today’s podcast, but it means Spring is crouched down, ready to jump up into our lives. Give a listen, and grab a grin…and win.

Dick Summer Connection

Sunday, February 25th, 2018

It’s a little yellow flower. It’s called Lady Wonder Wench’s February Flower. The story is in today’s podcast. If you’re feeling a little February Funky, give a listen. It’ll bring a flowery flash of Spring sunlight into your life. 

Dick Summer Connection

Saturday, February 24th, 2018

There’s a “Summer” story in today’s podcast. It’ll warm your body and maybe even your soul a little here in this end of February cold.



Dick Summer Connection

Friday, February 23rd, 2018

It’s Friday which means it’s time for Dick’s Details from today’s podcast. Dick’s Details is a bunch of totally unimportant stuff for you to stuff into one ear, so you can squeeze the important stuff that’s keeping you awake at night out the other ear, and you can nod off comfortably to sleep. Iran’s Ayatollah may not be the real Ayatollah. Pictures from a few years ago, show the Ayatollah had a missing third finger. This guy seems to have all ten of his. Of course I know quite a few Americans who would be glad to give him a middle finger transplant if they could. A farmer in France last year, tried to scare nudists off his property by leaving bulls out in the field over night. It didn’t work. The bulls wouldn’t attack the nudists because they didn’t feel threatened by naked people. So the next time you are confronted by too much bull, maybe you should just take your clothes off. There are more psychiatrists in Washington DC than in any other city in America. And if you check out the news from Washington these days, they must be very busy. Dick’s Details. They take your mind off your mind. 

A little housekeeping here. If you like the podcasts at or my spoken word story CDs at, or my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot at please tell a couple of friends, because they might like them too, and you’d be doing me a favor. Thank you very much.

Dick Summer Connection

Thursday, February 22nd, 2018

Today’s podcast is called “The Bold Cold.” Mother Nature was a stripper yesterday, showing off her Spring curves. But today, we’re back to February cold. It’s so cold today that I met my neighbor Randy at the mail box and I said, “Hello.” And the second part of the word froze, hit the ground and broke. So all he heard was “Hell” and he thanked me for the warm wishes. But there are certain advantages to having a loving lady in a nice warm house on a February day. 

Dick Summer Connection

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

Winter is about 3/4 over here in the foothills of the Pocono Mountains. So far, so good. My Lady Wonder Wench and I will be going to Mets Spring Training pretty soon. I doubt if either of us will win a place on the opening day roster, but the Sun Coast sunshine is going to feel good. Today’s podcast includes a story about a Summer a lot of years ago, that neither of us will ever forget. If you’ve had a Summer memory like that, you might like to take a listen to ours. Sometimes it’s very good to take a look back. 

Dick Summer Connection

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Mother Nature is a vixen in February. She gives us a peek at springtime, like today and then giggles and slams the cold back in. Like a dancing lady with black lace undies. Today’s podcast explains my heartbreaking baby-hood. I was born in February, just below the Arctic Circle, in Brooklyn New York. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to nurse through a wool sweater? I’m pretty sure that was the beginning of my lifelong feelings of rejection. It will make me feel much more…needed…if you give a listen.



Dick Summer Connection

Monday, February 19th, 2018

I am so looking forward to Spring. Mother Nature is teasing us today. Spring like temperatures. But I know it’s a fake out. Today’s podcast includes a very warm memory of a day at the beach. Slather on some sun screen, turn up your speakers, and give a listen please.