Archive for December, 2015

Wonder Wench Writes

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015

My Lady Wonder Wench has a comment about today’s podcast:

There is a magic about this time of year, regardless of your religious affinity. Snow; no snow. Warm winds; cold winds. Wet; dry. People; no people. It doesn’t really matter where in that list you find yourself. If you stand on a hilltop or huddle under a blanket – and smile – Santa Claus will find you, if for nothing more than a pat on the cheek and a whispered “Well done.” Listen for that whisper. And whisper back: “Thank you.”Barb & Dick


Christmas Connection

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

If you like Christmas stories WITH NO COMMERCIALS, this year’s four Christmas podcasts are up at Today’s podcast is called A Merry Christmas Yawning, and it’s about what may be the most unusual way ever discovered to get into the Christmas Spirit. Merry Christmas.

www.dicksummer.compodcast (2)

Christmas Connection

Monday, December 21st, 2015

Thank you for letting me be a small part of your Christmas. That’s what today’s podcast is about.

www.dicksummer.compodcast (2)

Christmas Connection

Sunday, December 20th, 2015

I’m sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair right next to the Christmas tree in our living room…and I keep wanting to jump up and down and open presents. It’s in today’s Podcast. As a Louie Louie Generation guy, jumping up and down isn’t something I want to do all that often any more. And I know what’s causing this. It’s about what’s left of the little kid inside me who doesn’t care that the rest of me is getting a little wrinkled. You probably have some of that little kid inside you too. The little kid who spends all year waiting for Christmas. Christmas is the center of that little kid’s life. Go look for that kid…I’ll wait. By the way, if you’ve forgotten how to find your kid inside, because that little kid has been asleep for a while, here’s some help. If your kid has been asleep for too long, the first thing he or she will probably do when he or she wakes up is stretch and yawn. So check right now to see if you’re feeling like stretching…and yawning. That yawn is a sure signal that the Christmas kid is waking up.

www.dicksummer.compodcast (2)


Saturday, December 19th, 2015

This is Christmas Greeting #4 from the Beatles. Merry Christmas.

Christmas Connection

Saturday, December 19th, 2015

Here’s a Christmas memory from the very talented lady who did the cover designs for my spoken word cds ( Her name is Michelle:

When I was about 12, a neighbor with a spectacular soprano voice took me with her to the dress rehearsal of the Rhode Island Choral Society’s annual production of Handel’s “Messiah”. As the Chorus and the soloists from New York worked out the timing and other details of the performance, I sat, alone, in the vast darkness of the Rhode Island Auditorium, surrounded by the most amazing music. Without several hundred bodies to absorb the sound, each note, each voice took on substance, a kind of spiritual form. I can only imagine that this is what God and Handel intended.
Years go by. People die or move on. Homes where childhood and Christmas lived are sold or torn down in the name of progress. Tinsel tarnishes and Christmas is less magical. But at this time of year, whenever I hear a portion of the “Messiah”, I’m given back the magic and the woman who gave me one of the greatest, most lasting gifts of my life.
Be well,
www.dicksummer.compodcast (2)

Christmas Connection

Friday, December 18th, 2015

Before you check out today’s podcast, please read this very special Christmas note from Proud Podcast Participant Don:

Here we are with another Christmas coming fast. But have we taken a moment to stop and think what this holiday really means? I know I haven’t. It’s that time of year where we can all stop and smile at stranger and they don’t wonder if you’re about to mug them. I think we all need to take a step back from all the hype and the ads that say buy this or that. I’ve found myself wondering what Virginia would say if she were alive today? I’ve read the letter she wrote to the newspaper. Would she write it again? All I know is that Christmas means reaching out to someone who needs the help or might be hungry for a hug or a kind word. Have we become so jaded over time that all we can believe in is ourselves? Josh Groban did a song for the movie Polar Express, all it said was you need to believe in the magic of the holiday. The tree in you living room with all the decorations collected over the years. Some because they have a special meaning or some just because they are pretty. The yule log burning in the fireplace. I remember how hard it was for me to sleep on the eve of Christmas, or how I thought I heard sleigh bell softly ringing in the night. Opening the little gifts in the stocking. We need to believe in something bigger than the commercial side of the holiday and hope for snow on Christmas Eve. As a member of the Louie Louie Generation I will always believe in the softer and gentler things of Christmas. I hope the sleigh bell never stops ringing. For those who have loved ones in harms way overseas, my hope for them is to come home to you soon. I say that as one who served. May we all get those gifts that we truly want.hairy christmas


Christmas Connection

Thursday, December 17th, 2015

This note is from Proud Podcast Participant Capt. Chuck. Chuck is a retired airline pilot, who now spends lots of his time flying a little two seat fabric covered airplane that he calls, Ms. Pants. Chuck loves flying, his wife, his kids, and life:

Hey Dick, I thought of a cute story from when my daughter was a young girl. I was giving a group of young 8-9 year olds a ride in our van back from my daughters birthday party. Her birthday is December 20th . I was listening to the conversations between the girls. One of the young ladies told the other girls that she did not believe in Santa . She said he was a fictional character created by adults . One of the other girls said to her,” are you willing to take that chance ?” I was chuckling under my breath. It was one of those things you don’t forget.

big sock

Wonder Wench Writes

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015

I’ve been asking for Christmas stories for the podcasts. Here’s a true one from my Lady Wonder Wench.

All good stories start with “Once upon a time” and so this one does too. Once upon a time, a very brave lady by the name of Helen found she had no money for the food she needed for her three kids (never mind why; it was during World War II and those things happened). She ended up going to the Red Cross for help. Unfortunately, their idea of help was “Come back later in the week and we’ll discuss this.” Obviously that wasn’t going to help her, so she went to the Salvation Army (as I understand it, she was pretty desperate at that point and almost gave up; if she had, I don’t know where I would be now).The Salvation Army lady said, “How much money do you need right now?” and gave her enough to buy food. “Come back tomorrow and we’ll talk” she told my mother, and they did. I don’t know much about the business of the Salvation Army except for the very small fact that more than fifty years ago, they helped my mother to get past a very bad time and NEVER ASKED FOR THAT MONEY BACK. So I find that as long as I am able, I give back in whatever way I can to help the Salvation Army help other mothers – and fathers – keep their lives together. I think my mom Helen would be pleased.


Christmas Connection #2 for today

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

Here’s the third of four Christmas greetings the Beatles sent to some DJs, including me, a long time ago: