Regardless of her sometimes bizarre shopping habits, I am totally devoted to protecting my Lady Wonder Wench from the lesser affections of younger men.
When she gets dressed to go out with me, I never miss the opportunity to smile appreciatively, bow a little in her direction, and say something low and warm like, “Wow.” That makes her glow. Happy, healthy and hot. I wonder how long it will take the smart guys in the white lab coats to figure out that there’s more to sex than spreading our genes. When they recover from all their exhaustive research, they may even discover the awesome power of the word “Wow.” Our Louie-Louie ladies understand it very well. They know that they glow when we say “Wow.” They like glowing. Because they also know that “Wow” is really our sophisticated, worldly, gentlemanly way of saying “EEEHAA.” And EEE-HAA has nothing at all to do with genes. That’s from my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot. And there’s a story in today’s podcast about a young woman who was hit with the power of a sudden attack of Wow.