Today’s podcast is about the fact that our favorite supermarket is closing which is kind of sad, especially for the people involved. My lady has been shopping there for years. She’s made some friends there. But another supermarket is opening across the street. She’ll probably make friends there too. For some reason it seems like a very large bump in the comfortable way we do our lives. And of course what a shock it is to the people we’ve known for years who are going to be out of work. Been there done that. It sucks. Some people deal with things like that better than others. Some people put a smile on their faces, go out and get another job. Other people go into hiding. Big Louie the star of my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot says, “You can’t help what is, but you can help what you do about it.” I kind of like this Louie-Louie Lad’s approach to finding work.
Archive for July, 2015
Friday, July 31st, 2015Dickie-Quickie
Thursday, July 30th, 2015Today’s podcast proves beyond a doubt, that it’s all the way you look at it. If my Lady asked her friend behind the counter at our favorite supermarket what kind of stuffing should go into a turkey, her friend might have suggested bread crumbs, hamburger, onions, and spices. If you asked the turkey what kind of stuffing should go into a turkey he’d probably say worms and bugs. And they’d both be right. It’s all in how you look at it.
Wednesday, July 29th, 2015Today’s podcast proves that it all depends on how you see things. You always hear about a perfect crime, but if it’s really a perfect crime…you wouldn’t know it was committed. The sinking of the Titanic was a terrible tragedy for the people. But from the viewpoint of the lobsters in the kitchen it was probably a miracle. It’s all in how you look at it. We think we’re big deals here on earth. This picture shows what we really are. That little dot on the bottom right is the earth as seen from behind Saturn. It’s all in how you look at it.
Tuesday, July 28th, 2015Today’s podcast is trying to explain how it all depends on how you look at things. For example if somebody down under in Australia drops a slice of bread at the same time that I drop a slice of bread up here, does that make the earth into a huge sandwich? Have you ever considered the idea that maybe drug cartels are actually just exclusively under-cover DEA agents who don’t know about each other? Some girls in Japan think this guy is a “Hunk.” Really !
See…it all depends on how you look at it.
Monday, July 27th, 2015It’s all in how you look at it. Big Louie, the star of my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot says, “Everything depends on how you look at it. For example there are lots of TV commercials with disclaimers that say, ‘real people not actors.’ Aren’t actors real people…he asks? And if we’re always hearing about disgruntled postal workers, why don’t we ever hear about gruntled postal workers? He says “It all depends on how you look at it.” I agree. My Lady thinks killing spiders is a good idea. But doesn’t killing spiders make the spider gene pool sneakier and more deadly? It depends on your point of view.
Sunday, July 26th, 2015I recorded today’s podcast while I was sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living room, trying to digest a food supply crisis, caused by the closing of our favorite supermarket. Depending on how you look at it, it’s either terrific or terrible. It could be terrific because the supermarket we’ll be going to across the street has generally cheaper prices which I like, or it’s terrible because my Lady Wonder Wench doesn’t like brands of food they sell. My Lady Wonder Wench does our food shopping because she knows and likes lots of the people who work there, she knows where everything is, and she doesn’t like my approach to finding stuff in a supermarket. When I go, I usually find an attractive lady, and ask her to help me find what I’m looking for because I’m not familiar with where they keep stuff. I’ve found that many attractive ladies are glad to help a lost and confused Louie Louie Generation guy… and what’s wrong with that? I get my shopping done faster, I get to talk with some nice ladies, and the ladies feel good about helping a nice, elderly gentleman. I think it’s a win-win situation, but my Lady Wonder Wench disagrees. It’s all in how you look at it.
Saturday, July 25th, 2015If you’d like to try a quick ESP experiment, check out today’s podcast . Mark Zukerberg, the boss at Facebook said a few days ago that “In the future you’ll just be able to think about something and your friends will immediately be able to experience it too.” That’s an old idea called ESP. Lots of people thinks it’s a scam. But when a guy like Zukerberg says it, it seems to me like it should be breaking news. How about giving it a try with me. When I recorded the podcast I concentrated on something that interests me a lot for about fifteen seconds. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and watch or listen for some kind of an image or feeling that might flash up to you. Don’t try to figure it out, just let it pop up by itself. Then check out the podcast to see if it worked for you.
Friday, July 24th, 2015Lots of folks dropping in on my podcast today. It’s about sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living room, staring at the black hole on the stand over on the wall. Technically speaking, it’s a big, blank, black TV screen. But it’s really a big, black hole…sucking you down inside…you can feel it happening…every time you turn it on, you can feel yourself…boldly going…nowhere. Well, maybe over to the couch. I don’t like going nowhere, so I don’t watch much TV…just the news and some sports. From 6 to 6:30 it’s amazing to watch the same stories spinning from MSNBC, to CNN, and over to Fox. The spin can get you dizzy. Then I watch the broadcast network news for the relatively non-fiction version of those same stories. Actually, Lester, David and Scott stretch the truth too. Some of the stories they call “breaking news” were pretty well smashed up quite a while before they got broken on the air. But they never say, “Hey folks, here are some stories we broke a while ago, so full disclosure…to be honest they’re kind of smashed up old news.” No. They still pretend it’s hot off some twitter account being sent direct from the scene while bullets are flying, and the bad guys are coming over the hill. So they look like they’re all out of breath from running into the studio and they tell us it’s breaking news.
Thursday, July 23rd, 2015I rub my Lady Wonder Wench’s back every night. If you’re to tired to rub your lady’s back, send her to and today’s podcast will take care of it for you.
Wonder Wench Writes
Thursday, July 23rd, 2015We live in a state with icky bridges. Massachusetts has “wicked” roads and bridges. Love that. But here in Pennsylvania the Louie Louie Lad and I have ICKY BRIDGES!! Well – not exactly icky. More like icy. The bridges in our state warn that they may get icy before the road . . . but to me that means icky bridges. Right? I never want to live anywhere that doesn’t have those icky bridge signs. Oregon apparently has owls that attack people who come too close to their nests. Makes sense to me. Now there are signs warning about those attack owls. Wicked – icky – attack owls – Do you have anything comparable?