This week’s podcast is about things that go bump in the night. Strange midnight noises. My Lady Wonder Wench doesn’t hear noises in her sleep, but she does when she’s awake. We were driving last week and she said “What’s that?…that funny noise?” We were in the middle of a rush hour traffic jam, and she wanted to know if I heard a funny noise. I didn’t hear a thing. She said, “You should take the car down next week and have it looked at.” I said “Have what looked at you can’t look at a noise.” She rolled her eyes very loud at me, and she said, “Don’t try to be funny, please take it down and have the car checked over.” Like most guys I said “Yeah. Sure. Funny noise.” So I was out driving over the weekend and I heard a funny noise. But it was pretty distinct this time. It sounded like either a fender falling off or the engine breaking loose. I took it to Mr. Goodwrench and he said what’s the problem. If I knew what the problem was why would I be standing there. But a guy can’t say, I hear this funny noise, so I said, “There may be a problem in the front bearings.” He said, “How do you know?” What was I going to say? I said, “My wife said she heard this funny noise. I never drive this car, but that’s what she said.” He said, “Funny noise huh?” I said, “Yeah, you know how they are.” He said, “Yeah. My wife heard a funny noise last week. It was the transmission. Very expensive.” Then he gives me a sad look and writes, “Funny noise” on the work order, and says “Sign here.” He called back a little later and said, “We can’t make the car make any funny noises.” I was tempted to say, “Would you please get a second opinion. Maybe your wife could talk to my wife.”