Archive for March, 2015


Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

winter poem

This is courtesy of Proud Podcast Person Bill K. It has nothing to do with the current podcast. 

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Monday, March 30th, 2015

Recent stats: 35% of American households consist of only one person.  There’s a “How Do You Deal With Being Lonely” test in the current podcast. I’d very much appreciate your feedback at

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Sunday, March 29th, 2015

Dick Summer Communications. Good Night Podcast// //

Follow your dreams…that’s what all the great thinkers tell us. And I think you should follow your dreams, except for that one where you’re naked at work. If you don’t follow your dreams you’ll spend your life sitting in some corner gathering dust like the Dreary Drones in my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot.
I followed one of my dreams a long time ago, when a major record label hired me to do an album of some of the lovin touch stories I told on the radio. I thought it was a dream come true but it turned out to be a nightmare. It was a Hollywood based record company and they assigned a typical Hollywood director to the session. He must have been a gifted child, because no mother in her right mind would have paid for him. He was the kind of guy who, if we had texting back then, and you told him he was texting too much, he would have just tilted his head to one side and smiled. I think he slipped into the gene pool when the lifeguard wasn’t watching. But he was a big time Hollywood director, and I was just a young guy on the radio. So I did my stories his way.
My only excuse is that it was a long time ago, and I was just emerging from my Pimple Person stage, so I hadn’t yet figured out that the first step in following your dream is figuring out exactly what your dream is all about. I wanted to make a connection with people by telling my stories. He wanted to sell records. It doesn’t matter now, because I fixed the stories. I did them my way on the CDs at 
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Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Weekends  make feeling lonely even worse. This week’s podcast is about a very different way of dealing with being lonely. I think you can let yourself get lost in a story to the point where the lonely can’t find you…at least for a little while. There are a couple of stories like that in the podcast. Please let me know how this works for you.




Friday, March 27th, 2015

This week’s podcast looks at a novel way to fight feeling lonely. Stories. Here’s another way: Retract Lower Lip. It doesn’t help for you to go around with a scowl on your face. If fact if you smile…on purpose…even if you have to force it, you will actually begin to feel better. It’s like the tail wagging the dog, but it works.

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Thursday, March 26th, 2015

The world’s most romantic ghost story is in this week’s podcast at 


Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

Loneliness sucks. One way to deal with it is at ImageForPodcastFiles (3)


Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

“Touches are better than words, but words are better than nothing.” That’s on the cover of an album of my stories that I did a long time ago. Now here’s a quote from Brigham Young research: “Loneliness kills. It’s on a par with obesity and substance abuse.” I always loved being on the air in the middle of the night, because I felt a connection with the people who were listening, and some of them said it worked the other way too. It’s the connection that counts. That’s what this week’s podcast is all about. 


Monday, March 23rd, 2015

This will be one of the few “I’m excited” statements you’ll see on the internet today that’s not trying to sell you anything. I’m excited because I finally understand why Once Upon A Time stories are always powerful, but when someone who is really INTO the story tells it to you, it becomes a genuine force of nature. A new study from Brigham Young University says loneliness is as dangerous to your health as obesity and substance abuse. When someone who cares about a story is telling it to you, you are both experiencing the same story…TOGETHER! You are having an emotional response with another human being. Please listen to this week’s podcast. 


Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

I finally figured out why I always loved having someone tell me a story even more than I love reading stories. And I think it’s important to you and everybody you know. Especially anybody you know who might be feeling lonely. When somebody is telling you a story, he/she is involved in the story…and so are you. There’s an actual connection between the teller and the listener. Give today’s podcast a listen, please.