Archive for May, 2014

Dickie Quickie

Thursday, May 22nd, 2014

I am a non-political guy. If you are a political person, the number for the Senate is 202-224-3121. The number for the House of Representatives is 202-225-3121. You don’t need a phone number to contact God. If you wonder about God, you might drop by this week’s podcast for a few moments. 

Lady Wonder Wench Writes

Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

My Lady Wonder Wench is writing about the podcast at She is a very good writer.


Believing in Santa Claus is like breathing: you gotta do it – or die.Now your idea of Santa may not match mine.  As my Louie Louie Lad’s alter ego, Big Louie, says: that’s okay as long as you believe in something. And no, it does not have to be God. Oh, I know, Fr. Damien will roll his eyes – but he will never say anything against that belief.  Unlike most religious people, Cousin Fr. Damien figures along with Big Louie that believing in something is much better than believing in nothing.  And he, bless his kind and generous heart, believes enough for all who hesitate.


And he knows, along with the good Lord, that my Lad believes in all that is necessary to make him one of the most loving and generous people on this earth.  Or Mars.  Or the moon (which as you all know has no name.  Well, maybe “Dickie” … ) Since God is different to each of us, why shouldn’t how we believe in Him be different to each of us? I know that I see God’s generosity every morning when the Lad smiles at me – and I can smile back.





Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

Proud Podcast Participant “Joanne” made a comment about this week’s podcast. She said,Another day is another day to celebrate life.” That’s the “Gratitude-Attitude” Big Louie is always talking about in my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot. As Big Louie always says, “Take every opportunity life gives you to smile while you’ve still got teeth. It’s never Micky Mouse to like Mickey Mouse. And give me one good reason why I should have to act my age.”


Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

The current podcast has sparked LOTS of comments about believing in things that count. I put some of the things I believe in my book, Staying Happy Healthy And Hot. Here are some of the thoughts in the book:

I believe it’s a terrible waste to let ourselves turn into warm chunks of meat just because we don’t look like the people in the beer commercials any more with their fancy-shmancy abs and perky breasts. I believe in honesty, truth, motherhood, baseball, and highway safety. I believe justice should be enforced with compassion. I believe in theAmerican Dream…whatever that is…uniquely and individually…for each and every one of us. Think of the power in that. I believe in Santa Claus, and in loving the same woman for a lot of years…and for as many years as we may be lucky enough to have left.

What do you believe ?


Monday, May 19th, 2014

Lots of comments about the fact that I’m having trouble believing in god. Some comments not very nice. I respect other people’s beliefs,  so I expect other people to respect my confusion. I’m not a non-believer. I believe in a lot of things. I believe we’re all different, just like everybody else. I believe the purpose of my life is to be happy, and to spread happiness as best I can. That may not be the purpose of anybody else’s life, but it’s the purpose of mine. I believe the measure of any real man is how he cares for and protects the people he loves…especially his woman…if he is lucky enough to have a woman who will be his. 


Sunday, May 18th, 2014

Before you read this week’s regular blog, please listen to so you can answer the big question in the Dick’s Details Quiz: Where did we get the famous saying, ‘Is that a javelin you’re holding or are you just glad to see me.”

Tough Tweet

Saturday, May 17th, 2014

There is lots of Tough-Tweet-n going on. I was sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair just now, checking my emails and such, and right after a note from a sexy young woman from another continent who has seen my picture and would like to begin correspondence which could if all goes well expand to the point of exchanging intimate, personal financial data…I got a note that whacked me pretty hard for something I wrote in my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot…available at Amazon dot com…a shameless plug. 

On page 136 I said, “Why are we designed like this? Look at us. Why did God put something as drippy and disgusting as your nose over your mouth? Why didn’t He put our ears under our arms? That would keep our ears warm in the winter, and you’d get some exercise, because every time somebody said something, you’d have to lift your elbow and say, “Huh?” Why does hair stop growing on guys’ heads and start growing in silly places like our ears? And while I’m complaining about how God set things up for us, how come everything on the planet has to eat the other stuff on the planet to survive? That leads to ideas like life is sacred—but only human life. Look at that cute little lamb. Pow. Lamb chops, anyone? Hey, we have to eat. It doesn’t make sense.” End quote. 

I will spare you the exact words of the Tweet, but suffice it to say it was inaccurate because my parents were indeed married about ten months before my birth. But the general point was, besides that quotation from the book, I’m a terrible guy because I mentioned a while ago that since my Lady Wonder’s accident, I have a hard time believing in God. Hey, I’ve got to remind Mr. Tough Tweeter that there is no life without water, because without water there is no coffee. So go grab a cup of coffee so maybe you can get a life.

Semi seriously, I have tried to explain that just as I respect other people’s beliefs,  I expect other people to respect my confusion. I’m not a non-believer. I believe in a lot of things. I believe we’re all different, just like everybody else. I believe the purpose of my life is to be happy, and to spread happiness as best I can. That may not be the purpose of anybody else’s life, but it’s the purpose of mine. I believe the measure of any real man is how he cares for and protects the people he loves…especially his woman…if he is lucky enough to have a woman who will be his. I believe in making people feel comfortable enough to laugh with me, and secure enough to sometimes cry with me if they need to cry. I believe that if you cry long enough, loud enough, and deeply enough, you’ll eventually start to laugh. And laughs are good. I believe in being as honest as I can be, with other people and with myself. But I also believe you’ve got to leave a little room for “maybe” in deciding if somebody is telling you the truth. There is a difference between a mistake and a lie. Remember “Of course the world is flat…just look.” “The sun orbits the earth…we all know that.” “Sickness is caused by the wrath of God. What could bugs so little you can’t even see them have to do with it?” Honesty = The Truth + Maybe is the way I put it in my book, Staying Happy Healthy And Hot. 

Here are some of the rest of the things I put in the book about the thing I believe:  

I believe it’s a terrible waste to let ourselves turn into warm chunks of meat just because we don’t look like the people in the beer commercials any more with their fancy-shmancy abs and perky breasts. I believe in honesty, truth, motherhood, baseball, and highway safety. I believe justice should be enforced with compassion. I believe in the American Dream…whatever that is…uniquely and individually…for each and every one of us. Think of the power in that. I believe in Santa Claus, and in loving the same woman for a lot of years…and for as many years as we may be lucky enough to have left… I believe real men don’t care if people see them cry. I believe men and women are supposed to be different in whatever way feels natural to each one. I believe in magic, and I love the magic way a wooden baseball bat feels and sounds when you smack the ball on the sweet spot a couple of inches from the end; and I believe in the healing power of chicken soup and peanut butter- the chunky kind, and keeping your hormones humming, and laughing at yourself, and the worthlessness of guilt, excuses, and gangsta rap, and the tingle inside when you take a deep breath of very fresh air, or when you run ankle deep through some hot Summer sand and your foot first hits the cool and salty ocean, and I believe in letting go of your kids when it’s time…that’s hard…and I’m not good at it…but I believe in it…and I’m trying. And I believe in taking care of your mom when your dad dies, and working your ass off with whatever strength and talent you may have, and maybe most of all I believe in being grateful for what I’ve got. Really grateful. That’s the gratitude/attitude I like to tell you about. I believe that if you stay grateful and happy, it’ll help keep you healthy, and when you’re feeling healthy, you’re still hot…no matter what the calendar says. What do you believe ? 

Dick’s Details Quiz. All answers are in the current podcast.

1-   What ado female May Flies have in common with Coney Island beach beauties ?

2-   Why is it good that the world sucks ?

3-   Why shouldn’t you kiss a gorilla ?

4-   What do I have in common with vultures ?

5-   Where did the statement, “Is that a javelin you’re carrying or are you just glad to see me?” originate ? 

Dick’s Details. They take your mind off your mind

I did a spoken word CD called Love Comes When You Least Expect It a while ago. It’s a short story about two pilots and a woman. The heroine of the story is, “Annie.” It’s not a coincidence that my Lady’s middle name is Annie. I very often wish I could feel the way I did then again…that trust in the comfort of God’s mercy. When my Lady was thrown from her horse and was hurt so badly, many people said I should be grateful that the Lord spared her life. I am if that’s what happened. But I wonder why an all good and all powerful Lord would hurt her at all, when all her life she never hurt anyone. Never.

The chapter of Love Comes When You Least Expect It is called God’s Phone Is Off The Hook Again. If you like it you can just keep the current podcast. Or if you want a fresh copy, just check out the Love Comes When You Least Expect It icon on the home page.

Thanks for bearing with me on this podcast. I feel the same way about these podcasts as I did about being on the radio for all those years. It’s like we’re gathered around here in kind of a huddle…like a football huddle… trying to figure out how we’re going to get to where we want to go with our lives, and coming up with some ideas about how we can help and protect each other during the trip.

That’s the reason for the Louie Louie Generation too. Big Louie is really tired of people saying “Death begins at birth.” He keeps asking “Then when does life begin ?” Louie Louie Generation Lads and Ladies love life. And we’re very grateful for life. That’s the “Gratitude Attitude” we’re always talking about. Take every opportunity life gives you to smile while you’ve still got teeth. It’s never Mickey Mouse to like Mickey Mouse. And give me one good reason that I should act my age.

I think it’s about time to take my own advice here, and remember that there is no life without water, because without water there is no coffee. So Instead of getting upset at that tough tweeter, I think I’ll just go and grab another cup of coffee. Because I really like my life.




Saturday, May 17th, 2014

How do you feel about the guy on TV who’s screaming “CALL NOW, before you even change your underwear. CALL NOW before you even check your email for sexy Russian brides. CALL NOW…BUT WAIT!!! yada, yada, yada CALL NOW ! Me too. But what would John Lennon say ?


Friday, May 16th, 2014

It’s FRIDAY, and I’ve been “Workin’ like a dog.” But I’m FINISHED for the week ! As I mentioned in this week’s podcast :

I’m getting to like sitting here, calming down. It gives me something to do. I’m getting to like it so much that I’m going to make a point of doing it at least once a month. Maybe more often than that. I’m going to call it my “Don’t Do What You Don’t Wanna Do Day, do wah, do wah.” I was going to call it my “Do Exactly What You Wanna Do Day,” but sometimes things I can’t control happen, which makes doing exactly what I want to do impossible on that particular day.

For example, sometimes I want to take the day off and go flying in my little airplane, but there’s a thunderstorm. Or sometimes I want to watch the New York Mets play baseball, but it’s January. And worst of all, occasionally my Lady comes down with a headache. So it’s “Don’t Do What You Don’t Wanna Do Day, do wah, do wah.” And it’s “wanna” not “want to” because some days I don’t want to prissy around with proper diction

Join me won’t you ?


Thursday, May 15th, 2014

A guy on the news said, “Death begins at birth.” So when does life begin ? Why does everything have to be dark and ugly. Big Louie says, “Why not smile while you still have teeth?”