Archive for September, 2013


Monday, September 30th, 2013

There’s something amazing about a one night stand. A one night stand isn’t with someone you’d want to spend the rest of your life. He or she is just a quick, overpowering, and blazing memory. Like a lightning flash during a snow storm. Until that’s happened in your life, don’t get your undies all tied up in knots at me asking if I know the importance of commitment. I sure do. I have one with my Lady Wonder Wench.

But how about the energy of a quick and completely irresponsible explosion of hot hormones? That’s a question, not an answer. What do you do about a person who on purpose stands just a few inches too close for you to be comfortable, looks up at you for a moment longer than your blood pressure can handle, and smiles slowly. If you’re in a committed relationship, how many bodily reactions are you allowed to have before you damage the commitment. How much of that natural electricity can you short circuit before your lights go out, your life goes limp, and all three of you are less alive…you, your partner and the stranger. As I said, it’s not an answer…it’s a question. I’m really interested in how you feel about it.

I may tell you sometime why I asked the question.

Jump !

Saturday, September 28th, 2013

An Email from Proud Podcast Participant Tom P got me thinking, as I’m sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable black leather poppa chair in my living room. Tom’s a thoughtful guy, and he’s very definitely a member of the Louie Louie Generation. He says “If I win the Powerball tomorrow, I know what I’m going to do with the money. I’m going to jump on the bed. My grandmother was right, I would break it. But jumping on the bed was fun, and if I won the jackpot, I would be able to afford a new bed. I will not, however, be reckless. I’ll take the bed outside before I jump on it, because I wouldn’t want to bump my head on the ceiling.” That’s the kind of Louie Louie guy reasoning that sometimes gets us an eye roll, a deep sigh, and an occasional night sleeping on the couch from our closest female associates.

For a Louie Louie Generation Guy, Tom is exceptionably mature, until he finds a piece of bubble wrap. But I think he’s got a point. I mean besides the point we all love on top of his head. If he won the jackpot, he’d use the money to have fun. When’s the last time you had fun ? I mean flat out, falling down laughing till the milk comes squirting out of your nose, jumping on the bed fun? And why has it been that long ?

Fun’s valuable. As Big Louie says in my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot, (available at Amazon) “Fun fights fear, fat, and failure.” And it does. If you’re riding a scary roller coaster, but you’re having fun, the fun is more important than the fear. Fun fights fear. Lots of times, people eat more than they should because they’re bored. Fun fights fat. And you’ve never seen a failure jumping on the bed and laughing. Fun fights fear, fat and failure.

Fun is a big part of the “Happy” in Staying Happy Healthy And Hot. We’ve all heard lots of stories about how being happy is a big help in staying healthy. So maybe one session of jumping on the bed can help keep you from being stuck in bed because you’re sick. And as far as the Hot in the title…if you’re sick you’re not very hot…as in “Not tonight dear, I have a headache.” Try turning it around to “Not tonight headache, I have a dear” and then giggle.

Louie Louie Lads and Ladies believe in the power of fun. We may not look like the folks in the beer commercials with their fancy abs and perky breasts any more, but if the Pimple People who run around sticking nails through their tongues think we’re going to let ourselves turn into slabs of luke warm meat, like the Dreary Drones in the book they’re nuts. Guys like Proud Podcast Participant Tom P know that Louie Louie folks everywhere intend to be alive when we die. In fact, if all goes well, maybe we’ll be jumping up and down on our beds at the time.

Dick’s Details quiz. All answers are in the current podcast 

1- Why should you never tickle the nearest hippo on the chin?

2- How do you know when you’ve got a well educated owl?

3- Why should they have changed the brand of coffee they were serving on the Titanic?

 Dick’s Details. They take your mind off your mind.

There’s jumping up and down in bed and laughing, and there’s jumping into bed and loving. Jumping into bed and loving is no laughing matter. There’s a story about that in the current podcast. It’s called “The Perfect Stranger.”

He is a good man…the guy she’s going to marry in the story. And they do love each other. But…you know how you sometimes run into a person you never thought you’d see again…maybe in the supermarket, or a gas station, or at the beach. For some reason of chance, she ran into that perfect stranger lover once. I have a feeling she’ll run into him again…some day. Or even more dangerous…some night.

The Perfect Stranger is one of the stories I’m working on for my new Bedtime Stories 2 Personal Audio CD. If you like it, there are lots of stories like it in the CDs back on the home page.

There’s something amazing about a one night stand. A one night stand isn’t with someone you’d want to spend the rest of your life. He or she is just a quick, overpowering, and blazing memory. Like a lightning flash during a snow storm. Until that’s happened in your life, don’t get your undies all tied up in knots at me asking if I know the importance of commitment. I sure do.

But how about the energy of a quick and completely irresponsible explosion of hot hormones? That’s a question, not an answer. What do you do about a person who on purpose stands just a few inches too close for you to be comfortable, looks up at you for a moment longer than your blood pressure can handle, and smiles slowly. If you’re in a committed relationship, how many bodily reactions are you allowed to have before you damage the commitment. How much of that natural electricity can you short circuit before your lights go out, your life goes limp, and all three of you are less alive…you, your partner and the stranger. As I said, it’s not an answer…it’s a question. I may tell you sometime why I asked you about it.

So…when’s the last time you had fun ? I mean flat out, falling down laughing till the milk comes squirting out of your nose, jumping on the bed fun? And why has it been that long ? I think one of the most important things you can do when things get grim is to make faces at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Because sooner or later that will make you grin…and there aren’t too many things as important as a grin. When you grin you win. Things being what they usually are, if you’ve been in the bathroom for a while, someone will eventually come along and pound on the door and yell, “Are you still in there?” Always tell them no. A good surprise never hurt anybody.

I really like Proud Podcast Participant Tom P’s suggestion that we take a few minutes to jump up and down on the bed. And laugh. And turn some grim into a grin. We should be alive the day we die. You’re not supposed to jump up and down on your death bed. But how are they going to punish you for it? They can’t take anything away from you. Because they figure you can’t take anything with you. But every time I hear them say I can’t take it with me, instead of getting grim, I start to grin. Because I plan on doing just that. I’m taking the most important gift I’ve ever been given with me when I hit that last bounce on my bed.

 I’m taking every bit of love I’ve ever known with me. And maybe even some I never knew about.


Friday, September 27th, 2013

  • Some of you know that I’ve spent most of my life behind a radio microphone at WBZ, WNEW, and WNBC among other stations. (I got fired a lot.) There are stories about that in my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot. I was lucky enough to be included in the Rock Hall of Fame as an air personality. But I don’t listen to the radio any more. And that hurts, because I loved being on the air. Michael Harrison loved being on the air too. In fact we worked at the same station at different times. He was also a morning personality at WNEW in New York…among other places. A number of years ago, he started a magazine devoted to the then new talk radio format. He called it “Talkers.” You’ll find it on the internet at Michael gave the most important, extraordinary and passionate talk I have ever heard on the state of radio the other day. I would urge you to watch it at


Thursday, September 26th, 2013

What would you do if you won the Powerball ? Proud Podcast Participant Tom P explains why he’s buy a bed and jump on it, this Sunday on the blog and podcast at


Monday, September 23rd, 2013

I did something I may always regret last night. I drove past a guy sitting on the curb with his dog. He had a sign that said, “Down on our luck.” I drove right past. I wish I could drive right back, but he’d be gone…along with his dog. I’m sorry. I could have stopped to at least give him a smile and a buck…and pat the pooch. Why do we do things like that ? I’m such a lucky guy.

Avoid Pimple-People-Hood

Saturday, September 21st, 2013

Big Louie, his own bad self has always said that membership in the Louie Louie Generation isn’t based on age. It’s about putting some sweat and spark and smiles into your life, no matter what happens to be your age. It’s “In the ‘Tude, dude.” I’ve told you in my book, Staying Happy Healthy And Hot (available at Amazon) that the thing that makes Louie-Louie generation guys the bedmates of choice for so many supermodels, and other beautiful and successful women is our gentlemanly charm, our poise and grace, and the fact that some of us have paid off our nice cars, a house, and maybe a boat or airplane.

So if you are a guy struggling to overcome the limitations of your youth, let me give you the top 20 list of specific things you can do to help you acquire a little more grace and charm, in your struggle to achieve full fledged Louie-Louie Guy hood. By the way, you’ll find these listed in Chapter 46 of Staying Happy Healthy And Hot.

#20- If you’re going to wear a baseball cap, unless you are an actual catcher in full uniform and the game is still going on, wear your cap peak front like a human. #19 – Unless you have religious reasons for wearing your cap indoors, take it off when you walk into a restaurant with a lady. #18- You don’t necessarily have to wear a jacket and tie, but don’t show up looking like Barney Rubble, one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or an Elton John impersonator who was left out in the rain overnight. #17 And speaking of adornment, earrings look lovely on the ladies. Especially the dangle ones. But earrings make you look like the Pirates of the Carribean just voted you off the island. #16- When a lady trusts you enough to grace you with her presence in your car, open the door for her and help her in. #15 – Then when you get where you’re going, reverse the process. Jump out of the driver’s seat, open the door and help her out. (Be ready to catch her if she faints from the shock.) #14- When you’re on a date, do not take cell phone calls. And do not make outgoing cell phone calls either. Some guys think that makes them look important. It doesn’t. It makes them look like idiots. #13- Ditch your favorite lines, lies and general B.S. Ladies are smart, and honesty is a turn on for a lady. #12 Read a paper or magazine that has nothing to do with your favorite sports team so you have something that has nothing to do with spikes, sneakers or cleats to talk about with her. #11 – Brush your teeth. Or if you are a hockey goalie…be sure your teeth are properly installed and turned in the right direction. #10- Take a shower and change your socks and underwear. Contrary to what your buddies may tell you, sweat is not a turn on to most ladies. #9- One or two beers is probably ok. More than that and you are over the lady limit. # 8 Show up for the date on time according to whatever actual time zone you were in when you made the date. #7- Shut up and listen to what the lady is saying. Try to understand not only the words but how she feels about what she’s telling you. If she’s upset because her cat died, even if you’re kinda glad because the damn cat was a drag…she’s not glad. So be genuinely not glad with her. #6- You won’t understand everything she says, but the key words here are “listen, feel and genuine.” #5- When out with a lady, keep your fingers and your eyes off other hotties. #4  Do not sit in your car and blow your horn for her. Ring the bell, smile, and escort her to the car. #3- Bring her some small surprise. Doesn’t have to be a dozen roses…a dandelion you picked from the lawn is fine. #2 She has done something to make herself look especially pretty for you. Figure out what it is and compliment her on it. #1- Always protect her. Job number one. Make her feel safe, and relaxed, and beautiful.

Do these things. Make Big Louie proud.

Dick’s Details Quiz – All answers are available in the current podcast.

1- What do you have to watch out for on your date’s personal person?

2- If more Americans went to a dentist, what would we call a tooth brush?

3- What parts of some folks might last for 50,000 years ?


3- right – A Louie-Louie Generation Charmer.

2- right – A rock star.

1- right – A movie star.

0- right – Mickey Mouse.

There’s a story in the Night Connections Personal Audio cd about a Louie-Louie generation guy who overcomes the natural shortcomings of his guy-hood to make his lady glad she picked him over some pretty stiff competition. It’s called “A Disorganized Husband.” There are some more tips in there, as endorsed by the Big Louie Institute of Figuring Things Out. If you like, you can just listen to it in the current podcast or if you want a fresh copy, just go to www.dicksummer dot com, and check out the Night Connections icon on the home page.

Looks like Big Louie has just given you some important answers to how you can become a genuine Louie Louie Generation guy. But here are a couple of a quick questions about other concerns that have been bothering me. If you know the answers, please drop me an email at dick at dick summer dot com. Howcome…if there’s a receptionist… why isn’t there a rejectionist? How come if some people are disgruntled, you never hear about anybody who’s gruntled? Why do we park on a drive way, and drive on a parkway? Huh? Tell me. . Would love to hear from you.



Saturday, September 21st, 2013

Tomorrow’s podcast is a wonderful opportunity for people who are suffering from the terrible limitations of being too young, to escape the perils of Pimple – People Hood. Big Louie, the Chief Mustard Cutter of the Louie Louie Generation will give you the top twenty things you must do to join our group at , and also right here on the “Connection” blog. For those of you who can’t wait, see page 88 in my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot.


Friday, September 20th, 2013

I’ve told you in my book, Staying Happy Healthy And Hot (available at Amazon) that the thing that makes Louie-Louie generation guys the bedmates of choice for so many supermodels, and other beautiful and successful women is our gentlemanly charm, our poise and grace, and the fact that some of us have paid off our nice cars, a house, and maybe a boat or airplane.

So if you are a guy struggling to overcome the severe limitations of being young, this Sunday, I’ll give you the top 20 list of specific things you can do to help you acquire a little more grace and charm, in your struggle to achieve full fledged Louie-Louie Guy hood, at . By the way, you’ll find these listed in Chapter 46 of Staying Happy Healthy And Hot.


Thursday, September 19th, 2013

In my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot, I’ve explained how those of us who are fortunate enough to be Louie Louie Generation guys are the bedmates of choice for so many super-models, and other high powered women. That of course, has led to hot, heaping, helpings of jealousy on the part of many of our unfortunately younger Pimple People guys. So this Sunday, we’ll give them Big Louie’s Top Twenty list of things to do, to help them become true Louie Louie Generation guys, at


Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

What a terrific response to the “Free-no-strings-download” offer (this week only) on the Night Connections 3 story CD. I’ve re-done the URL to carry through the end of the week. Here’s the new download key: