Tough times going on. Big Louie…His Own Bad Self always says, “Smile anyway. Fake it till you feel it.” And that works !
Great note just came in today from Proud Podcast Participant Phyl:
Well, let’s see. I’ve been laid off for the second time in two years, my 401k tanked, I had to replace a window which would no longer close because the style no longer meets code, I’ve got kidney stones killing me and $1,000 deductible on my new Cobra insurannce, and my house is worth about half my mortgage. You know what? It’s all good. I’ve got a daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren and incredible friends who love me. I just had a visit from 3 high school (Louie-Louie generation) classmates that generated 3 days of laughter and commiseration. Plus, I got a cheap boom box so I can play the CD you sent me when I can’t sleep. Thanks, Dick. Good Night does work. I have no doubt you’re a great hypnotist.
Take care,
Big Louie and I are very proud of Phyl. Dick