The Dick Summer Connection  – October 12, 2008
 Just as I was about to tell you that I don’t have to say prayers before meals any more, because I don’t have to worry…my Lady Wonder Wench is back to making most of our meals now, and she’s a good cook..and zap…an email came in from Proud Podcast Participant Pastor Mike. It’s like he was watching. I mean Pastor Mike…not the big He in the sky. I told you last week about one of the wise statements made by Big Louie…his own bad self…the Chief Mustard Cutter of the Louie Louie generation. The Big one says, “dogs are always barking. Cats are always meowing, and people are always preaching. Don’t do that.” So Pastor Mike sent me an email from his hide out in Oregon that said, “There’s a difference between sanctimonious lecturing and true preaching. True preaching means putting love in everyday terms.”
I think if there really is a God who created everything…the real Master Of The Universe… and He wanted to deliver a message to the world, He’d be more inclined to use a messenger like Proud Podcast Participant Pastor Mike than some guy on cable tv with a big ego, a bigger car, and a slicked down comb over hair style.
Lots of great emails came in this week. My Email address is if you’d like to get in touch.
Here’s one from Proud Poscast Participant Angela in the holy city of Brooklyn. It’s a suggestion to save the struggling airlines. She says, “Dump the male flight attendants. Nobody wanted them any way. Replace all female flight attendants with attractive strippers…they don’t serve food anymore any way. That would at least triple the alcohol sales, and get a party atmosphere going in the cabin. Every business man in the country would start flying again, hoping to see naked ladies. Because of the tips, the female flight attendants/strippers wouldn’t need a salary, thus saving money. The tips would probably be so good that the airline could charge the women for working the flights, and have them kick back 20% of the tips, including lap dances and ‘special services.’ Muslims wouldn’t get on the planes for fear of seeing naked women. Hijackings would come to a screeching halt, and the airlines would see record revenues.”
Makes perfect sense to me. And as a pilot myself, I feel sure that we could let the girls use the cockpit for dressing rooms. I have been trying for years to convince my Lady Wonder Wench that the FAA wants a stewardess on every flight…even in my little airplane But she’s not buying it.
Proud Podcast Participant Sgt. Preston from Long Island had a reaction to my comments about fifteen year old girls singing about the love of their lives, which means they’re singing about the kind of pimple people you see hanging around malls with weird hair, baggy pants, pierced tongues and other body parts. The good Sgt. Says, “Don’t discount the love of 15 year olds. It’s not the same as Louie-Louie Generation love, but the feeling is every bit as strong. I remembered what it was like for me when I had my first girlfriend at 15. When my fifteen year old son’s girlfriend drowned. I didn’t poo poo his heartbreak. I helped find out as much as I could about it, and filtered it for him. I remember standing at a pay phone at a supermarked in Rhode Island, near the Scout camp on a Sunday afternoon, with him at my side, doing just that. It brought us even closer together.” Then the good Sgt. laid one of the most beautiful lines I’ve ever heard from a Louie-Louie Generation guy on me. He said, “I realized I was in love for a second time when I was 19. She’s upstairs sleeping.” I can’t tell you how proud I am of being in the presence of podcast participants like the Sgt.Dick’s Details Quiz – all answers are in the current podcast at
1- What do British Blokes do with their rubber duckies ?
2- What happens when you take in a little pogonip ?
3- How can you tell which ones are the really nasty cockroaches. The ones with really bad attitudes ?
3 right – Jolly Good
2 right – Good
1 right – I say…sub par.
0 right – Bad Show.
Another Proud Podcast Participant, Alan Balkin from Paris wrote a very kind review of the new Night Connections 2 personal audio cd for CDBaby, which I appreciate very much. He singled out one of the cuts like this. He said: “Just when you think you know what’s coming next, the story changes direction. One particular track entitled Just Enough has to do with a subject that’s near and dear to Dick’s heart… flying. This is one of those stories that gives you one of those “I didn’t see it coming moments.” It’s in the current podcast at  If you like the story, you can just keep the podcast. Or if you want a fresh copy, just go back to the opening page of , and download it from the Night Connections 2 icon.
I’ve been telling you about the Louie-Louie Generation…folks who have had that song playing in the back of their minds for a long time…and know enough to keep it’s spirit alive in their…maturing bones. Big Louie…his own bad self…the chief mustard cutter of the Louie-Louie Generation understands that sometimes our lives get so nuts that we wonder who we were before we lost our minds.
I guess that’s why it’s a good thing that we can fall in love when we’re young… before we’ve grown any significant minds. It’s easy to fall in love when you’re young. And the Sgt. is right…young love really is love. As time goes by…it gets harder. For one thing… who has the time. For another thing…who has the guts to try that again. But there are some good things about Louie-Louie Generation love. I think the best thing is that we have some experience…a perspective…an appreciation for somebody who is willing to take the time…somebody who is willing to take that chance with us.
It happens sometimes when you least expect it. That’s why I think Big Louie is on to something really smart when he says, “you just never know when something absolutely amazing is going to happen next.”
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