Dick-ette – October 9, 2008

Why do politicians keep lying ? I wouldn’t invite a guy who lies into my house, let alone put him up in the White House. Good news…tell me…make my day. Bad news…tell me…I’m a big boy. I can take it.

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2 Responses to “”

  1. dick butler says:

    They lie because we do not demand the truth we accept the lies because it makes us feel good.It seems that no one wants to face reality that this is the greatest country in the universe with a few blemishes but as long as I’m doing ok the heck with the problems.Maybe if we all paid a little more attention to whats going on in
    just our own neighborhood,town,city or state then who knows what might happen.

  2. Jack Marshall says:

    I think rather than outright lying – although that has definitely been known to happen – the real problem is the many half truths they espouse. It’s no longer enough to be a solid citizen with fresh ideas on what governement should or shouldn’t do. You now have to me a millionaire who during the campaign will be required – although I don’t know by whom – to levy attacks on the character, beliefs, and background of your opponent. Say something that isn’t exactly true? No problem. The people will only remember the bad part anyway. It’s like when a newspaper runs a retraction on page 25 of an item it ran in bold headlines on page 1. No one remembers the “my bad”, they only remember the bad.

    I personally think that elections should be held within 60 days of nominations. And no candidate should be allowed to start campaigning before a specified date, say three months prior to nominations. The idea of a Presidential election these days is a year and a half to two year ordeal. Way, way too long.